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"Hey, we made it," Bow spoke softly.


Adora still held Y/N, bridal style. They were still secured around the blonde's neck, lightly breathing.

Glimmer was on horseback, guiding the creature.

Adora exhaled with awe.



"Welcome to Brightmoon," Glimmer smiled, gesturing towards the large castle.

It sat on a highly elevated hill, it's design elegant, along with a large pillar where the Moonstone remained.


"It's so beautiful..." Adora gazed.

"Okay, I just need to go in there, recharge, and deal with my mom," Glimmer groaned, "This'll be fun."


She paced ahead slightly, then turned, looking at Y/N in Adora's arms, then to Bow.

"Uh, Bow? Maybe you should have them go the back way?"

"Oh, right. Good call," he answered, eyeing Adora.

"What's the back way?" Adora grinned, chuckling slightly with curiosity.





"THIS IS THE BACK WAY...?" Adora strained, trying to get a good grip on the rope, Y/N slumped over her shoulder.

A sudden gust went by, her expression becoming more fearful as she reached for Bow's hand.

"It might seem weird, but we totally come in this way all the time," he explained, helping her get through the window.



Carefully, Adora stepped onto the cushions, then hopped down, holding Y/N the same way that she had been before entering the Castle.


They looked pale, so the blonde sat them down on the cushions near the window they had just entered.

She set Y/N's head down, them softly exhaling as they were laid out.

Adora sighed with relief.

"Oh! Hey, here. Why don't you put this robe on? No reason," Bow tossed a lavender-colored robe at her face.


Adora moved it out of the way, deadpanning, "You're trying to hide me."

"Whaaaat? Nooo..." Bow gestured his hands down before his voice silently cracked, looking off.


Y/N groaned in their sleep, their eyebrows creased.

They stirred.







In the dark, a present day Y/N is running towards something unknown for some time, reaching out.


Adora is seen, red jacket and all, holding her sword defensively.

"I wake up to the sounds, of the silence that allows..."

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