Flowers for She-Ra

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Glimmer led Adora down the hallway, giving her a round trip throughout the Castle.

"This is awesome! I can't believe Mom agreed to let you stay in Bright Moon!"

"Yeah, awesome," Adora replied.


She wished Y/N could accompany her on this short tour, but unfortunately they had to leave to sort out other matters.

That is, the confusion back in the village beforehand when Adora tried to chase down Swiftwind.


What did they mean when they said... Horde soldier?


Could Y/N have been one too...?



"Okay. You've seen the dining hall, the throne room, the portrait hall. So, the last stop on our grand tour is... your new room! Ta-da!" Glimmer opened the door, showing Adora in.

The blonde was in amazed disbelief, walking into the bright room.

Inside was a cathedral-like ceiling and a canopy bed.


Adora gasped in awe.

"It's pretty standard. You've got your vanity," Glimmer teleported to each spot.

"...the bathroom, crystals, bell pull, tea nook, more crystals, bed, desk, and of course, the waterfall."

"Uh, is the waterfall for showering? Heh..." Adora nervously chuckled, still trying to grasp this new style.


Glimmer laughed, "Ha! Good one, Adora. 'Waterfall for showering'. I'm right down the hall if you need anything. Night!"


Glimmer teleported away before Adora could get another word in.


Adora turned back around, looking at the bed with a nervous anticipation.

"Okay," she breathed out, "This is different then the Fright Zone but I'm sure I'll get the hang of this in no time..." she sat down on the cushions.


Suddenly she sank down into it, stuck in a very awkward position as a few pillows overlapped her.

"Help..." she strained.


Suddenly, a loud pair of footsteps came rushing down one end of the hall, and down to the next, followed by a loud slam of a door.


Adora quickly tried to sit back up, stuggling a bit, looking at the door blankly.



Who was that...?




Meanwhile, Y/N panted, breathing heavily as their back laid against the door, eyes blown wide.



I wasn't a Horde soldier...



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