Bonus Chapter: Epilogue

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[Okay, so I MAY have had one more teensy weensy little thing I wanted to add just to put the cherry on the cake in this story.]




[I know you guys miss these goobers and will still miss them, so, I decided to give you guys a small little bonus chapter that gives a small look into their lives today!]












— Brightmoon Palace —


It was fairly early at this time of day. The sun hadn't risen yet, and the sky was dull, devoid of most of it's sounds, apart from the crickets chirping and the sound of the waterfall flowing.



It had a beautiful indigo color as the stars and moons shined above, making the glass and marble gleam.

The Ranger was laying on their side, their back against Adora's chest as both laid there, fast asleep in their blanketed safe space.

The covers rose and fell with each deep breath, both at ease with the calm of the night.



The blonde's arms were wrapped around their torso, her chin tucking into the top of their head as they sighed, still stuck in whatever dream they were having.

Their hair at this point had began to grow out over the years, sporting something longer than a mullet, but not enough to tie it into a full blown ponytail.

Both had their pins sitting beside one another on the dresser, both golden in color. The tracker pad they both used was sitting beside the pins as well.



It seemed like a fairly peaceful morning. Early, that is.

It was quiet, and the weather was moderate.





Both Adora and the Ranger jolted awake, flinching as their eyes shot wide open at the sounds of the tracker pad going off.

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