A First Time For Everything

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Back on Atria, it was certainly a huge nostalgia rush for Y/N. They couldn't believe how much had changed.

The planet was thriving, and the diversity of the community was, too. It was such a vast and far-off sort of thing.

But now they could see it.


Though they can never forget the many atrocities and terrible things that had happened, they were glad to see that regardless of that past...

The planet is living again. It's people are living again.

And getting to see their friends' faces in seeing their home for the first time was pure bliss in it's own way.



There really was no other way to feel apart from reminiscing.


Adora loved it. She loved seeing them so happy. Though being back in this place was difficult, it allowed them to let go.

It allowed them to realize that they don't have to worry so much about the past anymore.

And both of them relished in this.



And at the same time...

It wouldn't be the only thing they would enjoy in the time they stayed on Atria.






Adora and Y/N were inside of one of the rooms that Basil had lent them for the time being.

Entrapta was still hard at work on the ship, or Darla, to be more precise. So, the crew would have to wait a day's time before getting back out there again.

After their little conversation, Adora just settled against Y/N, their back pressed against her chest.



Her fingers were raking over their midriff, and she tucked her head into the back of their shoulder.

Both of them just sat there, relaxing in the presence of one another. At this point in time, there was nothing else to do but just relax.

Adora sighed, her voice muffled in the cloth of their shirt.

"You okay?" Y/N wondered, noticing that she had been a little fidgety most of the evening, especially earlier when they were trying to readjust.

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