Chapter 3: A bad day

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"How many times must I tell you? This camera should be a full shot camera, now we have to re-shoot again all because of you!" My director started to shout at me, throwing the script book on the floor. It's actually all his fault... There is always a basic procedure that during every drama shoot or any other shoot, we always have to check that all the camera and actors are all ready before we officially begin. However our director started right after he checked on the actors only... worst still, he blamed everyone, especially me, a minor assistant cameraman than our manager. I know it is also my fault but he can get overboard sometimes. "Taehyung, I need to see you after the shoot." He pointed at me angrily.

So after the shoot, I waited for him to dismiss everyone and as he walked towards me, his face started to frown more. "Taehyung," he stopped and started to hesitate a little. I looked down, placing my hands together, feeling apologetic... Then he started to open his mouth, "I'm sorry Taehyung, but I guess I have to fire you. No explanation needed since I bet you know what happened this afternoon. I know there is a shoot tomorrow but I think you can stop working today. I'll wire you this month's salary, thank you for being on time for every shoot, I really appreciate that." And like this, he left. I was speechless... my highest paid job among the 3 jobs that I have... is gone like this... How hard do I have to work for God to side with me? Although it's just late afternoon, I decided to go home...

Taemi POV:
It's Friday and I'm excited to go to school. It's been a long time since I've hung out with my friends after school and my friends decided to hang out today. Exams are over but lessons are still on going, although I'm quite sick and tired of school, I still put in my effort but subconsciously kept on checking the classroom wall clock.

It's finally after school! "Taemi, we will go to the locker to put our stuff first, meet you along the classroom corridor?" My friends asked me as I just nodded my head while smiling. It's been 30 mins and my friends haven't come yet... Should I call them? Nah, I should give them some time. 1 hour... Ring! My phone rang, they called me so I picked up. "Taemi ah, are you still in school? I'm so sorry we forgot to meet you along the class corridor... we're heading home now, I think you have to make your way home yourself, sorry." My friend sounded sorry as she immediately hung up the phone before I even opened my mouth to say something. And yep, I went home dragging my feet feeling despair. "Can't you believe she's still in school? That crazy dude, she can literally be your dog too!" I heard a distant bunch of familiar voices from the tteokbokki restaurant and decided to take a look. It is them... and what they said, definitely is talking about me. I thought they said they were heading home just now? Why are they still eating together so happily? I became so mad that I just stood there... like a coward. "Why didn't you date her? She's a good dog! She got good grades too! Bro, she can literally help you earn a living in the future and you can just do nothing at home, I bet you'll still be richer than us!" I heard one guy that spoke sarcastically to the freshman student who had a crush on me, Han Sang Won. I became even angrier and upset as I walked home, didn't even know they are just back stabbers that look good in public but not in real life.

I reached home, placed my dirty shoes beside the shoe cabinet and noticed that the lights were on but there wasn't anyone in the living room. Taehyung is already home? Wonder what happened to him... And so I just greeted that I'm home. I put my bags down and realised that my shoes tore so I walked back to the shoe cabinet and searched for the sewing box. "Oh it's fine I can just sew it," I said without turning back as I heard a noise coming out from the room. "Oppa, did you know where the sewing box is?" I asked, too lazy to turn around but knew that Taehyung must be in the living room. However, there wasn't any response. "Oppa?" This time I turned around but only saw a shadow figure. "Oppa??" I called even louder and walked towards the living room. That's...thats... dad... My memory starts to float back in my brain...

I was so scared... I never knew dad was like this... "where's mummy? Where is she?! Who told her that she could leave the house without permission, huh?! Tell her to come home NOW!" Dad was never rough, and never shouted to anyone, at least from my memories.

Every single time when I see my dad, this memory comes in like a river and I cannot get over it. Every single time all I heard was his shouting and screaming as well as a very loud screech. It's so loud that I have to cover my ears in fear. "Taemi, why did you guys change the door password number? And... Why are you here? Shouldn't you be overseas studying?" My dad asked me softly. It sounded so soft that the memory kept coming and as he walked closer, I closed my ears tightly as possible to block all the voices inside me and sobbed. I am in a trauma. I suddenly thought about it. "Where's mummy? Why isn't she at home?" My dad started to go crazy as well. Whenever he goes crazy, he always looks for mum although she's gone. My dad asked me again, walking towards me as I burst into tears squatting down screaming, "MUMMY IS GONE. SHE'S GONE BECAUSE OF YOU. YOU KILLED HER." Dad stopped walking, "don't lie, don't hide mum away from me. I know you're a good kid, Taemi." I hated the way my dad calls me. It makes me feel worse, and so I held my ears tightly, still squatting down, still sobbing, "MUM DIED. BECAUSE OF YOU." I shouted courageously.

Then, I stood up, and decided to stop looking for the sewing box and wanted to leave the house but the moment I stood up, my dad was holding a photo with a photo frame that was placed on the dining table with only my mum, my brother and me inside the photo. He looked at it as I tried to calm him down.

"Stop!!!" I heard Taehyung's voice as my dad lifted up the photo attempting to hit me with it as I squatted down holding my hair this time, again. I sobbed as Taehyung ran and pushed my dad away from me. The push was so hard my dad flew and hit his back against the wall. Taehyung then rushed to take all our valuables as I stayed there in trauma. "Are you ok?" Taehyung asked me when he finished taking everything and quickly held my hands, bringing me out of the house.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

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