Chapter 18: Fathers Death Anniversary

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It was our fathers death anniversary. I placed the flowers I’ve bought in front of dad as I sat down on a big rock in front of it. The place is super secluded with mostly just rocks and grass. So I feel calmer since there’s lesser people here. I thought about all our memories with dad.. not much. It only leads me to the day I killed him… I regretted that day. I should’ve controlled myself. Right now, this is the only way I could apologise to him, by just accompanying him today. 

“Taehyung?” I turned around and noticed Taemi standing in the distance. She also bought flowers for dad. “Tae…Taemi” I replied awkwardly. After that weird letter thing… I don't know how to reply to her like a brother.  She walked towards me as she placed the flowers beside mine and sat beside me. “How’s life?” We both spook at the same time. It was so awkward we both laughed. Taemi then started to speak, “mine is fine. Just miss mum and dad… and you too, sometimes. Life in prison is awful… I really don’t wanna go back again…” She laughed after that. I’m just glad she’s back… “Life being alone is not easy either. Did you manage to get your graduation certificate?” I changed the subject. “Of course! It was memorable.” She replied. I could understand how she felt at that moment. It was such a happy moment where she managed to get her certificate but in a sad place… there’s no words to describe that feeling. 

Should I tell her about the DNA test letter thing? … Maybe I shouldn’t. I don’t wanna make her even more awful ever again. So I tried to strike a conversation to erase all the awkwardness, “We should move house. As in, rent a house far away from where we used to live. If we moved all the way to the countryside, would you be okay with it?” “Of course! Let’s live the fullest now…” Taemi replied rather enthusiastically. She then smirked after thinking about something and said, “remember the time where we would always go school together and you would tie my shoelace?” I nodded my head as she continued, “I remembered asking you if you could travel back or forward in time, would you? And you said no, you said because you said we’ll happily.” I nodded in agreement as I didn’t know what to say. She paused for a moment, “I agree.” Tears started forming in her eyes as she smiled at me. That was such a nice smile. 

“We should renew our life and forget about our past.” Taemi then looked down, tears falling on her hands as she held her own hands trying not to cry even further. I didn’t want to see her cry again, so I just shouted as I stood up, “yeah we should! Let’s go around Seoul and do what we wish to do! We don’t need to have our parents' permission anyways.” (I tried to joke) Taemi giggled then laughed at my silliness. “Yeah! Let’s not give a sh*t about anything and just live our life to the fullest!” Taemi stood up as well. I’m so proud of her. 

Author’s note: I’m starting to love this… Worse is over and best is yet to come! 

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