Chapter 12: To protect

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I just finished work before I received a call. “Hello?” I picked up the call. “Hello, this is the police. We would like to say that your father has passed on since 20XX during the time when the motel caught on fire.” The police officer said. “So, we would say that we will end this investigation since your father has already passed on.” He continued. What on earth… “Hello? My dad is still alive! He’s not dead! I saw him with my sister last week!” I quickly replied. “Apparently our portal says that Kim XXX XXX (Dad) is reported dead. There’s no way our portal will lie as it is 100% protected and confidential.” The police officer sounded a little frustrated. “It must’ve been a mistake.” He then hanged the phone. “Hey but I saw-” the phone got hung the moment I tried to explain again. Arghhh. It’s maybe because my dad is a police investigator and maybe he edited himself as dead. (Or whatever that makes sense) “Why is the police so stupid ahhhh!” I banged the elevator metal wall and stomped out the moment the door opened. 

I then went to the repair shop to look for some items. I was just scared that dad would come home anytime. So I looked through this old dirty repair shop and scanned through household items for Taemi too. The more I thought about dad and protecting Taemi, I felt even more angrier about what happened through the phone call a moment ago. In the end, I bought a hammer and screwdriver just in case anyone starts to look at me with a what-are-you-gonna-do-with-that-hammer face. 

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