Chapter 10: The day of the Competition

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That one week passed so quickly I felt so nervous… as I sat down on that same open stage (with seats this time), waiting for my name to be called next. The very first contestant is the only lady that participated in this competition. Her’s is about a lover falling in love with a villain but ending up getting herself killed. I’m so impressed with the storyline, I’ve never thought of it. She also got emotional as she explained the photos but luckily she didn’t cry. (To be very honest I’m enough with seeing people cry) Unfortunately, the judges didn’t feel that way. They said hers is too fictional and unrealistic. Nice storyline but lost since the photos are not developed properly since she focuses too much on the storyline instead. 

Next is one of the arrogant, irritating guys I saw last week, surprisingly he got second place and his story shows a photographer’s life and his hard path trying to achieve his goal. In the end, he manages to participate in a competition which he always wanted to do even with his messed up life. He said that it is his true story and he wishes to share this story because he is super thankful that he is able to participate in this competition. The judges were rather kind and happy when listening to his explanation and photos saying that his photos are nice and have an interesting storyline which fits together. 

The third guy is the one that impressed me the most. Expectedly he got first place and is also admired by the judges. He remade a romance Korean movie called the Descendants Of The Sun into his own version and amazingly did it so well. The photos were so mesmerising with great use of skills too. The judges said that they were surprised with the photos and excited to know more about how he took the photos as some were just so hard to do. Storyline is perfect since it’s from a movie, pictures are also on point and tells a story itself without much explanation. It’s just a work of art, I would really want to learn more from him.

Skipping to the fourteenth guy, he is the other arrogant, irritating guy I saw last week too. He also wasn’t able to get in the top three as his story is about an ordinary person living a normal life but suddenly notices that everything around him is actually art and starts to appreciate it. Judges were a little confused with the storyline as they said that the story seemed like two different stories. He is too focused on the photos that his storyline was everywhere.

That makes me the last guy and makes me the third! Yes, third!!! Mine is about a story of a beggar and his sufferings but because he needs to travel everywhere to find shelter and food, especially places that are more populated, he went to many beautiful places. These beautiful places made him appreciate nature and architecture too. The judge said that my storyline is not too strong but reasonable at the same time, with great attempts on trying new styles of photography and thus got me third! I was so shocked that I got third because some of the photos and stories shared by others were really awesome too, but the views of the judges were also fair and reasonable. I was just so happy I’m able to get into a job rather quickly even though the salary is not really ideal but I can't wait to start my first day! 

I managed to tell Taemi the good news and she was excited for me as well. But I’ve noticed that her condition is kind of getting worse but I didn’t dare to bring her to check up since we both didn't like going to the hospital.

We were told to go for work immediately the next day and so we did. It was brain-draining since it’s the first day and we’ve to learn many things too. Although I was a little mad that one of the arrogant guys got second place, I will try my best to avoid him. However I got even angrier when I heard him talking behind my back at the toilet. I was in one of the cubicles when he started talking to the guy that got first, “you know that guy who got third? Did you know that he totally copied and upgraded the story from the guy before him? He’s such a jerk! He totally stole my bros work and ended up getting third and if he didn’t copy, my bro would most probably get third and we would be working together!” I was so angry. After hearing his complete lie, I’ve decided to avoid him whenever and wherever. And also said to myself that I’ll have to bear with him whenever I’m at work. 

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