Epilogue special

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[Note: This epilogue may need you to reread some chapters in order for you to refresh your minds]

Before we start from the start, let’s talk about Dad, Sang Won and about another guy. Firstly, we guys know that Dad plays an important role and we also know that he's a police investigator. Coincidentally, Taemi and Taehyung were quite heavily involved with the police. (so what does it mean?) Dad is not dumb and knows how to survive, as an police investigator, he can easily find Mum and his kids (in prologue) and also hide is identity as dead (chapter 12). 

For Sang Won, I would say he is just crazy in love with Taemi. Since he at least managed to get to know Taemi and get close with her friends, his friends were all encouraging him and helping him so he felt that liking Taemi was the right thing to do. In order to gain more attention, he did extreme stuff like stalking her and sharing false rumours about her too. But to be very honest, there must be a reason why he acted this way… 

Lastly, that "another guy" I was referring to is the police that is constantly getting involved with Taemi and Taehyung. He may already knew them from Dad or Mum's friend but it's really up to your imagination. (Or is it the guy that went to the same motel room with mum?)

The policeman
I'll start from chapter 17 since there's this very big gap in chapter 17 and I want to clarify it first. So Taehyung found a letter in the mailbox but it wasn’t an ordinary letter, it was a DNA test letter from the police station. The police station wouldn’t send this type of letter so does it come from that police guy? He may not want Taehyung to know who it is so he used the police letter instead. What is his purpose then? He may have lots of reasons why he did that. It may be out of a kindness act or out of revenge. Well, it’s up to your imagination. Then, whos Taemi’s parents? Who’s Taehyung’s parents? Are they adopted… or what? (It’s up to your imagination) :)

Okay, now let’s backtrack when both kids first met him. (Or maybe just one) From chapter 1, remember when Taehyung was just scrolling around the neighbourhood but a man decided to talk to him about foster homes? Do you think it’s a coincidence or is it on purpose? I would say if this man is the policeman, it would be on purpose. What do you think? 

Now to chapter 5, do you ever wonder why the motel was suddenly on fire? Do you think it’s on purpose or it’s a coincidence? Is it that same policeman or just a clumsy person who set the motel on fire? 

Next is chapter 14, if you read carefully, you would realise that Taemi held the bottle with her left hand but that same policeman noticed something and asked her if she’s left or right handed and she said right handed. By that time, the policeman would have noticed something weird and knew that the criminal is not Taemi, but why didn’t he do anything? 

Now to the most irritating part, chapter 21. Do you think that guy is the policeman? Why did he walk away and disappear after Taehyung drowned? Now I would say that he has a purpose, maybe a revenge for someone. Linking to chapter 22 makes things even clearer. The policeman definitely wrote that letter because Taemi knew exactly how Taehyung felt and they really enjoyed their time there. 

To be honest, if it wasn’t the policeman, Taehyung and Taemi would be living a good time now. 

Sang Won
In chapter 14, remember when Taemi recognised Sang Won that stood there acting like a passerby while she was entering the police car? In chapter 13, the moment Taehyung started stabbing his father, after a few minutes, the police came. Isn’t the timing too perfect? Who called the police? I would say it’s maybe Sang Won. He may have done it because we all know stabbing someone is a crime but he may also have done it because of Taemi. I suspect that Sang Won maybe a little too crazy for Taemi and acted a little overboard. 

Chapter 16
So because I wanted to connect BTS together I added another chapter. But I didn’t state properly how these boys came in contact and found each other. It’s up to your imagination!

The moment Taehyung knew Taemi wasn’t his sister, we all know why he didn’t want to tell her, but instead he started to treat Taemi more like a girl instead of a sister. Is that the reason why he didn’t want to tell her? 

Have you ever wondered why in chapter 22, Taemi is scared of the water so much? If you’re going to lose someone so important in your life, why would you not save that person? Why did Taemi have such a big phobia of water? Maybe it’s because of the childhood memories or trauma that Taemi has that I didn’t mention. Then why didn’t she call the police for help? She actually was scared of the police or believed that they wouldn’t make a difference. Maybe it’s because she was jailed once too. Or maybe she knew that the particular policeman had a purpose…

But I know one thing that I believe it’s a happy ending because she still has Yeong Ho. 

Okay, so that’s the end of this story! Thank you for reading till the end! See you next time alright! Tata! 💜

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