Chapter 22: Bittersweet

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Taemi POV
When I went off to buy some strawberry milk, I saw a guy with a dog approaching Taehyung and was rather happy that at least Taehyung didn't have to wait for me for very long. I went to the convenience store and bought that same glass bottled strawberry milk we would always buy and quickly walked back since there’s quite a distance between the convenience store and the beach and I didn't want Taehyung to keep waiting for me. 

The moment I went back, Taehyung was gone. I thought he must’ve been together with that guy with a golden retriever and he would come back soon. However when I walked to the bench, I saw this note torn out from a notebook that says, “I’m so sorry… I can’t live anymore.” I was stunned. I dropped the strawberry milk. Why would Taehyung suddenly get so emotional and write this note? All I knew was that Taehyung would never lie to me and the last thing he said last night was that he was very glad that we’re able to build our relationship again. I looked up towards the ocean and saw a piece of cloth floating on the ocean… It looks like Taehyung’s shirt. I started to flashback all my memories with Taehyung and started to think, what if it’s my fault? I should’ve looked out for him more… 

I immediately ran towards the ocean but when the water touched my leg I immediately stepped back. That same trauma came back… it’s been a long time since it came back. I was happy… I suddenly thought of days when Taehyung tried to save me from dad. IT’S ALL MY FAULT. I started to blame myself. I couldn’t step forward, it felt like someone was holding me back. I heard a loud squeak noise and immediately flopped down holding my ears while crying. “Taehyung… Taehyung…” I whispered for help but no one was there. At that moment, I turned around and saw Taehyung. “Help me…help…” just then he faded away and standing at the background was just a couple staring at me weirdly. It's an illusion again… 

I tried to stand up while sobbing and tried to walk one more step but stopped again. “I’m sorry.” I broke into tears. I couldn’t save him… because I was afraid of water… I saw his clothes, but I couldn’t save him. It made me so dumb… “I’m, so so so so sorry.” I cried and cried as I turned around and walked to my store. 

The next day. 
I couldn’t sleep, I spent the whole night crying… but I still have to open the shop because today is the workshop day. I opened the shop, as usual and stood at the cashier counter staring at the blank. Ting! Someone came into the shop, it’s so early, who could it be? 

“Yeong Ho…?” I whispered to myself, he smiled back at me. “You’re 2 hours early… The workshop starts at 1pm.” I told him. He just smiled and nodded, “I wanna get my skateboard fixed.” I looked at him, holding back my tears, “Taehyung he’s currently not here… we’re not having a skateboard department anymore.” I couldn’t control myself… Yeong Ho took out a packet of tissue and placed it on the table. “It’s okay… what happened?” He could tell that I’m holding back my tears. I just sat there and cried.

I knew Taehyung didn’t write that note and didn’t call the police nor look for help. It’s useless anyway. I thought.

Now thinking back… This isn’t life, if this is what life is supposed to be, I want FREEDOM. 


[Author’s note: Hope you guys enjoyed this series of SAVE ME. I chose this song because it's sung by V and RM BTW! Ending is bittersweet because that’s when Taemi starts to find her true love and tries to forget about anything that happened in the past. To be honest, I’m not over yet! We still have the epilogue where I’ll explain through the chapters (not all) and mysteries that’s left behind too!]

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