Chapter 14: The Policeman

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Taemi POV
I was walking to the police car, both hands cuffed. Before I entered the police car, I saw this familiar figure, this time I'm not gonna miss it and I'm gonna look. Sang Won? Him again?? Is he just a stalker? Does he really hate me? Why must he always do this to me? My anger boils as I enter the police car to the nearby police station.

I was at the "interview room" when I reached the police station and was getting interviewed or you can say investigated right away. The policeman looked pretty fierce, with the dark room atmosphere like in dramas, everything felt so serious and dim. He then started questioning me, "Have you always had a grudge against your father?" "I... Not exactly..." I don't know how to explain. The fact that I wasn't the culprit but I didn't want to see Taehyung in the police station just made me do so. It's not your fault Taehyung.

After that, I was tasked to fill in a form for me to find a lawyer so that they can help me shorten my sentence when I go to jail. Others will be taken care of by the police. When I filled in the form, the policeman who interviewed me asked me a weird question, "Girl, are you left handed or right handed? Or... both?" "Erm... I'm right handed..." I replied... It's kind of weird being asked by this question but I still answered him.

In the end, because my father had a slight mental illness and I am too... and that my dad attempted to attack me so the sentence was shortened with only one year. Within that period I'll finish my studies and graduate there so it'll be fine. I'll be fine, Taehyung. It's been days since I've seen him...

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