Chapter 6: "You do not understand me"

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Taemi POV
At that moment I felt so angry, I hate getting attention and hate being up on news after seeing dad and mum on news. I burst into anger and shouted at Taehyung, letting go of him grabbing my hands, “Why are you always in a rush? Do you know how I felt when I was in the room? Do you even care for me or you just cared for yourself?” I shouted at him. Taehyung turned around in shock. I couldn’t control my feelings and started to sob and totally didn’t care about the crowd murmuring about us. Taehyung didn’t say anything but just grabbed my hands again wanting to drag me elsewhere but I resisted. “Why are you always so stingy? Giving me so little money every month… I even have to starve for a week! You jerk!” I stopped and shouted at him again. This time, Taehyung even looked angry and turned back, “Then do you know how much I tried to earn money for the both of us? Do you even know how hard it is to survive and feed both of us when I lost my main job?” I looked down and looked up at Taehyung in anger, “Then do you even know how hard I tried to study to just get top in all subjects? Just to have a better and nicer future for both of us?” We shouted at each other super loudly that everyone could hear us so clearly too. We didn’t care, because we were so angry we couldn’t even look around and care so much about other things. 

However, after that we noticed that the crowd was looking at us, murmuring about things. So Taehyung walked away from the crowd leaving me alone and so I decided to follow him and noticed a familiar figure… but I didn’t care. I just followed Taehyung back home safely. 

When we reached home, we didn’t even talk to each other, we both separated our own ways the moment we reached home and did not even care about the mess in the living room. And so we just slept through the night like this…

Next day...
I woke up as usual and walked to the living room looking for Taehyung but he wasn’t there. The mess is also gone. He most probably went to work… I thought. Then I saw that there’s a note on the dining table. “The police will be looking into the situation and will be looking for dad too. I’m at work now so I’ll be back around the same time.” I read out loud as my voice decreases as I read through the note. I felt a little guilty… feeling that it’s all my fault… Is it? 

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