Chapter 4: Run away from home

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Taemi looked bad… her face immediately tells that she had a bad day. I wanted to make her feel better, so I brought her to a nearby motel. “1 bedroom for 1 day please.” I said to the counter lady that gave us the key to our motel room as she smiled at us. “We’re siblings.” I looked at the lady's weird smile and gesture as I walked up the stairs. Freak this motel, why isn’t there an elevator? 

We went into the motel and immediately sat down, no words. The room is small but big enough for both of us. It's good that there is also a table and chair in front of the bed too. Taemi is just curled up at the corner of the bed sobbing. I am just sitting down on the bed, counting on how much we’ve left, staring at the blank. It’s great that it’s the weekends so I do not have to worry about Taemi traveling to school. 

“You sleep one this bed, I’ll sleep on the floor.” I pointed to the queen sized bed as I  told Taemi who is still in trauma. Taemi didn’t say anything, she just nodded her head, still looked worried and so I just passed to her her own medicine and a bottle of water. Taemi just stared at me, I guess that’s her way of saying thank you. Even if I tried my best to keep Taemi safe, our relationship is still awkward. 

The night was dark and Taemi was much better after she took her medicine. “So, what did you plan to do?” She asked me awkwardly. “I’ll make a report to the police if dad is still at home. If not, I’ll change the door password.” I replied sitting down on the chair staring at the table. “I’m hungry…” Taemi tried to break the silence between both of us. 

And so I decided to go down and buy some fried chicken for both of us. I ended up buying only for Taemi because I didn’t bring enough money. On my way home, I saw a familiar figure, it’s dad. He has been roaming around our neighbourhood, looking like a homeless man on the streets. I tried to walk as fast as possible to make sure he doesn’t see me, I’m scared of him too. 

I managed to reach back to the room safely, seeing Taemi sitting down at the edge of the bed waiting for me to come back. “It’s nice,” Taemi said joyfully as she took a bite of the fried chicken. I wanted to eat too… but I ended up just staring at Taemi eating. “It’s really nice, Oppa.” Taemi tempted me with the food. “Can I take a bite?” I gave up resisting and took a bite of Taemi’s fried chicken. She smiled at me and I smiled back, “yeah, it’s really delicious.” 

Soon, Taemi went to sleep from the drowsiness of the medicine she took earlier. I couldn’t sleep, I just sat on the chair and pondered about my work, dad, as well as Taemi. Life is so hard to live… 

Taemi POV
I woke up because I was thirsty and saw Taehyung sitting on the chair, head lying on the table, asleep. It must’ve been hard for him. After taking a sip of my water, I took my blanket and covered him with it. “Sorry…” I whispered. 

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