Chapter 11: Taemi and Sang Won

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Taemi POV
I was just going to school when I saw people staring and murmuring as they looked at me. I guess it’s about the prostitute thing. I sighed as I walked faster back to class. As I walked to class, I saw Sang Won laughing with my bunch of friends like he didn’t have friends in his class. He looked so irritating, I felt like punching him. Soon, my friends noticed me and waved at me, they walked towards me as they asked me if I’m feeling okay. I said that I’m fine, thinking back during the day they talked behind my back as they’re literally acting like nothing happened right now. “Taemi, why didn’t you say you were in the motel that caught fire a week ago! We were all so worried, you know? I’m so lucky our teacher told us about this, anything just call us okay?” One of my friends obviously lied through his teeth. I didn’t even tell my teacher about it, they’re just testing me. The moment I wanted to reply, our maths teacher came and asked, “Could you (Taemi) and Sang Won take this stack of books up the staff room and help me arrange it based on the colours for me? I’ve to send one of the students home.” Why must it be me? But with Sang Won… seriously? I’ve no choice but to agree. Coincidentally, our maths teacher is Sang Won’s class teacher. 

Sang Won went to help and went to take the stack of books first. I took the smaller stack and left the bigger one to me. He stared at me, trying to make fun but I’m seriously so done with his jokes and decided to just take that stack and walk to the staff room leaving him behind. 

“Do you know that you’re independent, very courageous, sweet and sometimes can also be a little too honest?” Sang Won tried to catch up as he smiled at me. I get his hint… he is trying to say something, but I just nodded and smiled back. “You know I’ve always liked you right?” He continued and I stopped walking. I looked at him with a serious face. I seriously do not like you. This thought kept on coming up but I definitely didn’t want to say it. I did not give any reply but just stood there and stared at him. “Okay… I’ll give you some time to think. Feel free to meet me anywhere when you’re ready.” He said. I already have an answer but I’m not telling him now, if not I’ll sound like I’m a proud person and he’s a stupid person. 

Soon we reached, as we were organising the stack of files in colours, Sang Won asked me, “don’t you have anything that you’re curious about me? We’ve never talked about our lives before.” I stopped organising, again. “No, not really…” I laughed awkwardly. “Then it feels like one sided love. Did you actually even have feelings for me? Alright but I’ll still give you time to think.” He asked again. “Do you know that you’re a little too overbearing?” I started blurting my very first question. He was definitely shocked with my question. Then I ask another question, “which part makes you like me? My face? My grades? My characteristics? Am I too kind for you?” I then continued without break, “I heard you’ve lots of exes, probably it’s because you always share false things about them and break up. Then use it to gain attention and more friends. Maybe… new girlfriends?” I looked at him, giving a hint to him that I knew about the rumour he started it. However, Sang Won didn’t look offended, he just looked surprised at my sentence and looks like he is actually waiting for me to offend him. 

I then quickly organise half of my stack and leave without saying a word, trying to act cool. “See you!…” he tried to say something. “Bye.” I replied without looking back at him and left. Oh my god am I being too angry right now? Should I at least turn around? And so… I didn’t. 

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