Chapter 5: Another night

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I woke up, seeing Taemi still asleep so I decided to buy breakfast before she woke up too. “Where have you been?” I reached “home” with breakfast ready looking at Taemi still sobbing telling me to stay with her. “I bought breakfast!” I lifted the food to let her see as I tried to make her feel better. 

As we ate our breakfast together, Taemi suddenly asked, “So… where’s dad?” I stopped eating and chewed my food, gulping down as fast as I could to answer her question, “I’ve made a police report just in case and also went back home to change the password. For now, I do not know where dad is but all we have to do is to wait for the police to contact us soon.” Taemi just nodded her head, still looking worried. “I decided to extend our stay here one more night, so you do not have to worry.” I consoled her with this news. I knew that she had been suffering and I am, too. So it’s great to get out of our world once in a while, that’s what I thought. 

For the whole day, we didn’t go out at all. We just stayed in the room and found some cup noodles to eat for lunch. What bothers me the most is that Taemi’s phone kept ringing… “Not gonna pick that up?” I asked Taemi as it rang for the second time. She just shook her head, “my friends… they are just bored and have nothing to do, me ignoring their calls is common. So it’s fine.” It rang again, this time it was a video call. They really have nothing to do. 

Taemi POV
It’s so annoying. I still can’t get over that day where they literally talked behind my back and used me like some random “dogs”. Ting! My screen lit up as there’s a notification from my group of friends. Are they really my friends? I looked at the Lock Screen that has been ringing for so long.

(From the group chat)
“Ya Taemiiiiiiiiiiiiii”
“We called you so that we could hear your voice. Why aren’t you picking up :((((”
“We shall go out and play again!!”
“Sang Won said that he knows Taemi’s address dudeee” 
“LOLL OMG really? Nah, I don’t believe it.”
“Bring us there one day Wonieee ❤️” 

The messages sounded so sarcastic and fake it got my blood boiled again. I held my phone so tight my phone could literally fold into half. I didn’t even dare to touch my phone throughout the whole day. 

“It’ll be fine, high school is trashy.” I turned around and looked at Taehyung staring at my phone. He tried to console me… but my brain has too many thoughts to even pour it all out. “High school has trashy friends, trashy Teachers who don't care about you and especially, trashy subjects too.” He continued. I looked at him, trashy subjects, I thought for a while and I laughed. 

Like this, they talked but also had a few awkward pauses in between and soon it’s 8.45pm. “I think you should sleep earlier today…” Taehyung just tried to show concern to me so I just nodded my head (as usual) and got ready to sleep. The moment I lay down and closed my eyes, I heard a loud long ring that sounded like it’s from the fire alarm. Soon, I heard chattering noises from outside and so I decided not to sleep and check what’s going on. The moment I opened my eyes, Taehyung was already at the door, looking through the peephole. “What’s happening?” I asked out of curiosity. “I think there’s a fire that broke out in this motel. We’ve to pack and leave quickly.” Taehyung tried to explain as fast as possible as he packed our stuff and took the room keys too.

“Let’s go,” Taehyung grabbed my hands but the moment he grabbed my hands, that same, old trauma came back again. “No… I don’t wanna leave…” I mumbled softly. “What do you mean by, don’t wanna leave?! Taemi, are you crazy? There’s a fire out there?” Taehyung suddenly burst in anger as he was afraid that the building might collapse any further. Why is he so mad? Is the fire outside? Right outside our door??? And so I became even more nervous and started to feel suffocated. “What if… what if dad knows that we’re here and does the same thing to us? What if… he lures us out of the house just to burn us and see us die?” I shouted back at Taehyung as I let go of him grabbing my hands. “Taemi… He’s our dad… he would not do that, we have to leave soon.” Taehyung almost ran out of patience trying to calm me down. I breathed super quickly in and out, taking lots of short breaths as I walked towards the door. I could feel the heat from the fire, it should be very near us, I thought. The moment the room got hotter and hotter, Taehyung just grabbed my hands and pulled me out of the room. I have no idea why, but I felt a sigh of relief the moment he managed to open the door. 

We ran down the stairs like crazy and the moment we managed to escape out, we were the last 2 that survived in that motel… there’s 2 fire engine cars and about 3 ambulances and 1 police car as well. The situation looked so serious, although it happened at night, lots of people crowded around the motel and even took pictures of it. I hate this. 

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