Introductions and good news

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Crimson's POV

Hi my name's Crimson Rose and i have navy blue/ purple 4 below the shoulder legnth hair. I'm in a band and the band's name is A Vampire's Destiny. I'm 18 but, will be 19 in 3 weeks. Oh, and the best part is I just got called by my manager and I'm going on Warped with my band.Plus, 4 of my favorite bands are going too. Black Veil Brides, Asking Alexandria, Blood on the Dance Floor, and Falling in Reverse. Anyway I'm on my way to tell my band now. I pull into Sarah's driveway and knock on her front door. When I walk in Chris and Drake were already there. "Hey guys, I got some awesome news!" I exclaimed. "What about?" Chris spoke up. "Warped tour and our band." I said. "Oh my god are we going to Warped?!?" Sarah yelled. I nodded and Sarah jumped up and started screaming and jumping and smiling. I can't beleive my dream was coming true.

*Flash back to when I was 14*

"Emily, you have been my best friend forever and I promise that I will make you proud and never give up my music." I whispered to her while she was laying in a hospital bed in a coma from blood loss. She had a 2% chance of waking up. Right after I said that her heart flat lined. She died October 17 and I knew that I would keep my promise so I never gave up and here I am today.

*End of Flash back*

*Fast Foward to the day we leave for Warped*

"Guys! Wake the fuck up we have 2 hours until we have to leave." I screamed at Sarah, Drake, and Chris.

"Fine!" All 3 of them yelled in unison and sat up slowly. I left the room and when I came back the only one not ready was Sarah because she was in the shower. They stayed at my house last night so all 3 of them slept in my living room. Mostly because they wouldn't stop arguing over who got the guest bed. By the time we were finished we had an hour before we left so we all 4 split up and went grocery, and movie shopping. Sarah and I went to Walmart and Drake went to some movie place and then Chris went to Target. I walked into Walmart and got Red Bull, Monster, and Candy while Sarah got some food. I got 7 horror movies, 2 Comedy's, and 1 Romance mostly because Sarah likes to watch Romance movies when she's sad. But, any other time she hates them. We all love Horror movies and Chris likes Comedy's. By the time everyone got everything we had about 5 minutes to get back to the bus. So we made it just in time. We got everything on the bus and left. We started unpacking the bags into cabinets and the fridge and by the TV after we started down the road. The movie's we bought were Sweeney Todd, KillerKiller, Cabin in the Woods, IT, Nightmare on Elm ST. movie set 1 through 4, Batman, and alot more.

We got to the first venue and it was the day before actural Warped so only the bands were there so far. I stepped off the bus after doing my hair and makeup and pulled out my cigarettes. I hear someone walking towards me so I look up to see Ashley Purdy and Andy Biersack standing in front of me.

"Hey, My names Andy and this is Ashley." He says smiling. I smile back.

"Hi, my name is Crimson." I say and shake Andy sretched out hand.

"That is a badass name!" Ashley complimented.

"So you're the lead singer of A Vampire's Destiny?" Andy asked and I nodded.

"I listened to your demo you can scream pretty good. " Andy said and i said thank you.

We sat and talked for a few minutes and then the rest of Black Veil Brides walked up and so did Blood on the Dance Floor.

"Hey. I'm CC what's your name?" CC smiled at me god he was hyper.

"Crimson." I said smiling back.

"I'm Jinxx and this is Jake." Jinxx said pointing to Jake who was spacing out.

"I'm Dahvie and this is Jayy. But, I'm sure you knew that considering your shirt." Dahvie said walking up to me and smiling. I looked down and noticed my shirt and blushed. They sat down and we all talked for a few minutes until they had to leave but, they said they'd come back later.

*Later that day: 8pm*

There is a knock on the tour bus door and I stand up to answer it but, Chris gets to it first.

"Hey, is Crimson here?" The guy at the door asked and Chris nodded and let him in. Oh my god! Sorry, Fan girl moment Ashley fuckin' Purdy came to my tour bus alone asking for just me and it's weird.

"Hey!" Ashley said hugging me. "Wanna take a walk with me?" He asked and I nodded and we walked and came to a feild. So we decided to sit and talk for a few minutes.

"So how old are you?" Ash asked.

"I'm 19." I replied.

"Cool." Ashley said before leaning in and kissing me. I hesitated at first but, kissed back.

*Ashley's POV*

Holy shit! I couldn't stop my self and kissed her. Thank god, she started to kiss back. I could feel sparks and it felt good. I slid my tongue across her bottom lip and hoped I wasn't going to far. She granted me access and I wrapped my arms around her waist. She wrapped hers around my neck and I positioned us so I was on top of her. Oh FUCK! I hope she doesn't notice the buldge in my pants. I slid one of my hands up her shirt and under her bra cup and rubbed her breast. Damn she had nice feeling tits. She had one hand on the back of my neck and the other up in my hair. I pulled away and she looked confused. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked and she nodded. I smiled and started kissing her harder. One of my hand traveled down her side and up her skirt and I started pleasuring her. She started moaning and shehad the perfect amount of wetness. I undid my belt and took my skinny's off as she took her shirt off. I positioned my self then looked her in the eyes she nodded and i thrusted into her. She was tight but, the good kind of tight. A few minutes later She started tightening around me and I knew we were both about to come. I started to get sloppy and then she started screaming in pleasure. She came just a few seconds before me. After I came I pecked her lips, pulled out of her, and rolled beside her and held her tightly in my arms. I think I'm in love with this girl and I don't even know her. But, I feel like I do. Soon we fell asleep.

*Crimson's POV*

I woke up in Ash's arms but, we were still in the feild and it was the next day. Ronnie Radke was standing over us smirking. "What time is it?" I asked Ronnie who I met yesterday too.

"9am. Why are you sleeping naked outside with Ashley Purdy?" Ronnie smirked. Ashley sat up when Ronnie said his name. "Holy shit we stayed out here all night!" Ashley was surprised. Ronnie left and me and Ash got dressed and then he walked me back to my bus. He was kissing me goodbye when i heard 3 coughs. Andy, Dahvie, and Chris were standing there with pissed expressions.

"Jinxx said you're grounded for not calling and saying you weren't coming home." Andy said.

"Well, we fell asleep in a feild." Ashley explained.

"So it was you two that kept me up because you guys were having feild sex!" Dahvie yelled then started laughing. "Jayy is gonna kill you if he finds out." He said. I hugged Ashley Then Andy and him went back to their bus.

"I'm sorry Dahvie." I sighed.

"It's okay. Were gonna end up close friends I can already tell so I can't stay mad at you." Dahvie said then hugged me and left.

"We thought you were kidnapped and mudered!" Chris said. I rolled my eyes and walked onto our bus.

"So did you get any?" Drake asked.

"Yeah, in a feild." I said and Drake stared at me wide- eyed then walked away.

I went to my bunk and started getting some clothes out and was getting ready to take a shower when my phone beeped. I had a text. It was from Ashley.

(A-Ashley, C-Crimson)

A- Hey babe, You wanna hang out tonight after my meet and greet?

C- Sure. What time and Where?

A- 8pm and my bus.

C- Okay. See you then. Talk to ya later going to take a shower.

A- Alright. Bye Beautiful. See you tonight ;)

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