Truth or Dare

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    So we started playing truth or dare since that was the only random thing we could think of. The rules were if you skipped a truth you took a shot and if you skipped a dare you removed a piece of clothing. CC, Chris, and Drake ended up joining us also.

"Okay, so who's first?" CC asks.

"ME!" Ronnie yells.

"Okay. Truth or dare?" CC asks.

"Dare" Ronnie replies smirking.

"I dare you to...Hmm... Kiss" CC started looking around then stopped on Chris and pointed. "I dare you to kiss Chris." He said with an evil looking smirk.

"How long?" Ronnie asks.

"6 seconds." CC says and Ronnie walked over to Chris.

"You better watch your back Mora cause Ima get revenge." Ronnie says. Then touches his lips to Chris's lips.

"1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6." We all counted once we hit the 6 Ronnie pulled away and wiped his mouth off. Ronnie sits back down where he was then looks around.

"Okay, Truth or Dare Crimson?" He asks.

"Dare" I say.

"I dare you to run outside shirtless and yell BOOBIES!" He says.

"okay." I remove my shirt showing off my black with purple lace bra and I turn red from shyness and embarrassment. I run to the middle of all the busses and scream as loud as I can. "BOOBIES!" Then run back onto our bus. Then put my shirt back on.

"Damn where did you run to cause you were so loud it sounded like you were outside our window." Jinxx says. 

"The middle of all the busses." They all looked shocked except Andy who said.

"You have really loud and awesome vocals."

"Truth or Dare, Andy?" I say.

"Truth"  he says. Hmmm... okay Uhmmm...Oh I got a good one.

"Who's the sexiest person in this room?" I ask.

"Obviously me. DUH!" He answers.

"No I'm the sexiest!" CC says.

"I have to disagree with you both. Jinxx is the sexiest." I say and kiss him deeply.

We kept kissing deeply until Dahvie threw a pillow and hit me in the head/ side of the face.

"Get a fucking room!" Ronnie says loudly. As me and Jinxx break the kiss. I stick my tongue out at him as Jinxx flips him off.

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