Discovery's and Betrayls

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*Jinxx's POV*
Sammie cheated on me I can't believe it we've been together for years. Not to mention we got married then she cheated on me. I walked in on her fucking some other guy a few days before tour. We're getting a divorce. No one knows yet. Then when I find someone I think I'm in love with they date one of my band mates. That's right I love Crimson. I love her more than I did Sammi. I'm fine with her being with Ash as long as she's happy. But, if he cheats on her I'll kick his ass. She's been through pain a lot actually you can tell from the look in her eyes. I feel like Ash is using her for sex.
*The next morning*
I thought I was the only one up but, when I walk into the lounge. I see Crimson sitting there in short shorts and a really long shirt. "Hey you're up early" she says looking at me. "I'm just a morning person." I say and smile at her and she nods. "Me too." She smiles back. "Don't you think you and Ash are moving to fast?" I ask. "I don't know." She says unsure. "Well If he hurts you I'll hurt him!" I almost yell and she smiles again. She has a beautiful smile. I can't hold back and I accidentally kiss her. But, she kisses back then pulls away. "This is wrong I'm sorry I shouldn't have kissed back." She says crying. "It's okay I felt something too." I say and she looks into my eyes. "Really?" I nod.
*Crimson's POV*
Jinxx kissed me and I kissed him back but, I felt something. Something I didn't with Ash. He said he felt it too. What if Ash does hurt me? But, why would Jinxx kiss me he has Sammi? Oh, god I'm so fucking stupid. That kiss could've destroyed two relationships!
"By the look on your face I can tell you're freaking out. So I might as well tell you now that me and Sammi are getting a divorce. Because she cheated on me. But, I really do like you Crimson. A lot." Jinxx said which calmed me down a bit.

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