Angry ex's and Bat Buddies

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*Ashley's POV*

I can't believe I just saw my best friend kissing my girlfriend! I'm furious. But, what do I do? I can't walk in there and go off everyone's asleep. Plus, were in the same band things would be awkward. Why did Jinxx fucking kiss her anyway he's married to Sammi.

I walk in there a few minutes later and pull Crimson onto my lap. I kiss her. Right in front of him so he knows she's MINE! "I'm going back to bed. I don't feel good." Crimson says standing up. "Okay babe. You want me to come with?" I ask and she nods. We go back to the bunk and she lays down when her phone goes off. All i can hear is. "Hello? Ben why are you calling me? I broke up with you. Please don't hurt me. You beat me and I left. We we're done along time before that I was just scarred now I'm not. No please don't come!" She hung up after that and started crying. Next thing I know Jinxx is running back here and throwing our curtain open.

"What the fuck did you do to her Purdy?" Jinxx yelled in my face.

"Nothing. Her ex called and scarred her!" I said trying to calm her down. She got up and ran into the bathroom. I hope she's not doing what I think she is.


"Give me a minute." She yelled back. I hope she doesn't do anything serious.

*Crimson's POV*

I ran into the bathroom ignoring their screams and grabbed a razor blade out of the cabinet. I washed it and took it to my left arm leaving 6 cuts. They started bleeding alot and I knew I wouldn't get them to stop by the time I unlocked that door so I did it anyway. Jinxx was he first one into the bathroom.

"Holy shit Crimson!" Jinxx said trying to stop the bleeding enough to bandage it.

"I'm sorry." I said crying.

"It's not your fault!" Ash said sitting down on the ground next to Jinxx to help. I couldn't say anything because all that came out was sobs.

"What the Fuck!" Andy yelled from the door. I had quit crying by that time and Jinxx was finishing up with the bandages. "Crimson are you okay?" He asks. I shake my head. "Do you wanna talk?" He asks and I nod and we walk into his back bedroom.

"So why did you harm yourself?" He asks sadly. God I didn't know I would hurt or scare him this much. "My ex who was abusive called me and said he wanted us to get back together." I stop and he nods to continue. "I told him no so he said he was gonna find out what venue I'm at and get me back one way or another." When I finished he looked down at me wide-eyed and wrapped his arms around me in hug because I started crying again. "I won't let him hurt you let alone get near you and neither will any one else!" He says with pain and Anger in his voice. I let go of him and he looked me in the eyes again. "Don't hurt yourself just because of some idiot. You're beautiful and you shouldn't harm yourself because of your ex!" He half yells. I smile and say "Thank you." "No problem Bat Buddy!" He says with a smile and I giggle.

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