Untitled Part 13

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"Babe wake up" Jinxx said from behind me.

"Why? I don't wanna get up yet." I said trying to go back to sleep.

"Do you want to miss another set?" He asks and I shake my head 'no'. "Well you answered your own question then." He said and let out a chuckle. I sat up and glared at him. "Nice hair" He said and smiled. I flipped him off and he smirked. "You know you want to." then winked at the end. I just rolled my eyes and said. "Totally." I stood up and went to get dressed. I put on black short shorts, my Batman tank top, and white converse. "You look hot today babe" Jinxx said and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. I turned around and said. "You don't look bad yourself." He laughed. After his little out burst of laughter I pecked his lips and turned to walk away. I started walking and got 2 steps ahead before he smacked my ass. I continued to walk only now my face was red and I was blushing really badly. We walked around for a few minutes after he caught up to me. Then he had to go play his set so I walked him there. He had about 5 minutes before he had to be on stage. So I told him I loved him and good luck. He hugged and kissed me before going on stage along with Jake and CC and Ashley. I watched their set until about midway through when I had to leave so I would be able to make it to the stage my band was playing on time.

After my set I went back to my bus and as I was climbing in my bunk my phone beeped. It was a text from Jinxx.


J- Hey babe, Sorry I wasn't waiting for you side stage after your set. I had an interview.

C- It's okay. I understand. You played an awesome set by the way.

J- Thank you

C- No problem. Well I'm gonna go to sleep, Bye, Love ya! XOXO

J- Bye. Love you more! XOXOXO

After reading that text I shut my phone off and went to sleep.

*2 Weeks Later*

Jinxx and I are still together. We see each other everyday and we've even been staying on each others buses together. We haven't gotten into a single fight yet.

Ashley still wants me back, but also just wants to see me happy and knows what he did hurt me. Tonight Jinxx and I decided to have a movie night on his bus so I'm staying over there tonight.

Not every Love Story has a Happy Ending (JINXX love story)Where stories live. Discover now