Jinxx's POV

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*Jinxx's POV- after every one but the band leaves*

I climb into my bunk and look at Crimson. Awe she is so cute when she sleeps. I'm so lucky to have her she makes me smile and feel like the luckiest person ever. Just seeing her makes me smile. Her eyes. Her hair. Her lips. Her personality. Is perfect. Actually  Everything about her is perfect. I'm so in love with her nothing could ever happen to make me not be.  

Sammi and I's divorce was finalized finally. Oh and in a few months I think I might propose to Crimson. But I wanna make sure I'm ready first. Wait no I wanna wait for us to be ready first.  Tour will be over in a few weeks. Crimson's moving in with me.

She was gonna move in with her band, but I changed her mind. Well good night I need my rest for tomorrow.   

(A/N) I know this is short but im kind of lost and cant think of anything else to happen on this fanfiction.  oh and you should check my other fan fiction.

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