Group Hugs and Cliffhangers

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"I understand. Jinxx is fixing you some food by the way." Ash said and I nodded. A few minutes later Jinxx came back with 4 pancakes, 5 pieces of bacon, and a bowl of fruit.

"Holy Shit! I don't think I can eat all of this." I said in shock at how much food there was.

"It's okay I can help you." Ash said stealing a piece of bacon.

I started eating and by the time I was finished I had ate all my fruit, 1 pancake, and 3 pieces of bacon. I gave the rest o Ashley that ate it then took my plate out. I followed him out and into the front lounge and was tackled by all the guys and forced into a group hug. First by CC then the rest.

"Guys. I. Still. Have. To. Breath." I gasped out.

"Sorry." All the guys said in unison letting me go.

"So we were thinking. That since you and your band are on tour too maybe your would want to move onto our bus for the rest of tour. So we can keep you safe plus your bands tour bus is gonna be next to ours. Just a few feet away from ours. So will you move onto our bus?" Andy asks.

"Sure." I reply.

"YAY! they all yell in unison.

"Yes, now my batman buddy lives on the same bus as me. Now we can have batman marathon's. Can we watch batman?" Andy asks. Everyone shook their heads but, I nodded. So we ended up watching Batman. By the time we finished Batman and a few other movies it was 3am.

"Holy Hell, it's already 3am!" Andy exclaims. Me and him were the only two still awake.

"Well I got a show at 5 pm so, I'm going to bed. Night Batman." I say standing up.

"Night Bat girl." He says before I walk back to Ashley's bunk.

"Damn, Are you just now coming to bed?" Ashley asks I just nod. Apparently I woke him up. He didn't say anything he just wrapped his arms around me and put his face in the crook of my neck. I fell asleep. I woke up to someone shaking me.

"Crimson get the fuck up! It's 2pm and you need to get ready for your set a 5." Jinxx said

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