Threats and Fear

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Today we were playing in Noblesville, Indiana (My hometown). I still remember when I was younger going to Warped and dreaming of playing on that stage. Now my dreams are coming true. Just then my phone beeps.

*Unknown Number*

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Hey, so you are in Indiana. Maybe I'll pay you a visit. You know like old times babe." The guy said. It was Ben. 

"BEN LEAVE ME AND MY FRIENDS ALONE! PLEASE" I yelled into the phone and started crying Ash heard me.

"Leave my fucking girlfriend alone." Ash yelled at Ben before hanging up. He pulled me into an embrace and held me tightly. 

I ran back onto the BVB bus and Ash told everyone what happened and they all hugged me and said they wouldn't let anything happen. I've only known them for a few days and we were already like a family. 

*Later that night*

"GOODNIGHT INDIANA! THIS WAS AN AWESOME SHOW!" I screamed running off stage it wasn't a lie it was fucking crazy out there. I ran side stage and was tackled by a super hyper CC. 

"Holy Shit! Don't kill my girlfriend." Ash yelled to CC from behind me. CC let go of me and I ran into Ash's arms. "You did great tonight babe." He said kissing me. 

"Not as great as you did though." I said and he just rolled his eyes and smiled. 

"Hey guys I need to tell yu something." Jinxx said as we were all together. We all nodded. 

"Well me and Sammi are getting a divorce." Everyone looked shocked. "She cheated on me a few days before Warped." Andy hugged Jinxx and said."Sorry man. That must suck." 

Gosh that sucks but, at least it's not because Jinxx and I kissed. I went back to their bus because I was staying with Ash again. I climbed into the bunk almost falling because I was so short. Ash pulled me close to him and kissed me. I was pushed up against the wall his body infront of mine and his lips on mine. We were on our sides facing each other. One hand was on my neck and the other one went from my lower back to my butt. One of my legs were stuck between his. He was already shirtless and all he had on was boxers. I had a long t-shirt and panties on. He removed my shirt and bra kissing down my neck and chest. I moaned next thing I know CC rips open the curtain and yells "BOOBIES!" 

"God Damn CC are you turning into Ashley Jr?" I asked and he nodded. Ash closed the curtain and started kissing me again only this time when the curtain opened everyone including Jinxx was there. I grabbed the blanket and covered up. I was blushing until Ash wrapped himself around me and I felt safe. "Leave us alone! For fucks sake I could be doing her on the couch but, I'm not because I like to have privacy. God, I don't bother you motherfuckers when you guys fuck you girls! You are cock blocking me and that's against Bro code. So leave me alone for now!" Ash yelled at a laughing CC, Jake, and Andy. "Nice body!" Jinxx said looking at me Ash punched him. I just starred at him wide-eyed. How could he say that after he kissed me. God, I'm with one of his close friends too. I pulled my shirt back on, got up and walked into the bathroom. 

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