Batman Buddies and Boyfriends

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*8pm BVB tour bus*
"CRIMSON!" CC yelled as he ran up and hugged me.
"CC I HAVE TO BREATH!" I yelled trying to breath. Andy stood behind him laughing and CC let go of me.
"You're gonna kill my girlfriend a day after we get together." Ashley said hugging them kissing me.
"Well if you shared her we wouldn't have to squeeze her to death."CC said laughing.
"So I was wondering what if you spent the night on our bus because we will be getting to the venue at 10 am tomorrow. Plus, we can go to your tour bus and get some of your stuff." Ashley said looking me in the eyes with his beautiful brown puppy eyes. "Sure." I said and he smiled and pecked my lips. We walked to my bus hand in hand. When we got there Sarah was passed out on the couch. I packed skinny jeans, a black Rolling Stones shirt with a gorilla on the front, and my iPhone charger. We also brought my Sweeney Todd movie for Andy and the rest of us to watch.
When we got back to the bus it was 10 pm and Ashley showed me his bunk. I sat my bag down on it and walked into the lounge. "Holy shit!" I yelled walking into a naked CC all he had was a towel that was falling. "I'm so sorry." I said walking away quickly. I sat down on the couch and started watching batman with Andy. "You like batman too?" Andy asked surprised. "Duh. Batman is fucking awesome." I replied and he yelled. "I FOUND MYSELF A NEW BATMAN BUDDY!" Oh my god what have I gotten myself into. He pumped his fist in the air too. Ashley came into the lounge and sat down next to me. Pulling me onto his lap. He kissed my neck as I was talking to Andy then Ash whispered something in my ear. "You wanna go back to my bunk?" I nodded and felt him smile against my neck. Then he picked me up and carried me bridal style into his bunk. "Bye batman buddy." I said as I was carried away. "Now kids don't forget to use protection." Andy yelled to Ash. Ash rolled his eyes and laid me down getting on top of me.

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