Heartbreaks and Betrayals

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*Crimson's POV*
It was 1am and Andy and Ashley went to some club. Jinxx, CC, and I were the only ones still up. Then there was a knock on the tour bus door so I answered it. It was Sarah.
"Hey can I hang with you guys and crash here? Chris and Drake are asleep." She asked.
"I'm fine with it but, let me ask real quick. Hey can Sarah stay tonight?" I yell.
"Sure." They yelled.
"Yeah you can. By the way Jinxx and CC are the only two up and Ashley and Andy are out." I answer.
"Okay." She says as I move out of her way so she can come up on the bus. We all talked and watched a few movies then fell asleep. We were leaving the venue at about 4 am and I heard the door open and boots at about 3am. Meaning they just got back.
I woke up at 8am to the sound of voices I decided to pretend to be asleep until I knew who it was. It was Ash and Andy.
"Andy I fucked up. What am I gonna do?" Ashley said. He sounded upset.
"Well first you need to explain that you slept with some whore while being drunk and second you need to run." Andy said. Ashley cheated on me!
"Why?" Ash asks.
"Because Jinxx looks pissed." Andy says then I hear boots stomping.
"Did you really fucking cheat on Crimson, Purdy?" Jinxx said.
"I was drunk it wasn't my fault." Ash said.
"You fucking Ass! You don't deserve Crimson after everything she's been through. You still fuck some whore?" Jinxx yelled. Then I heard a crash. I open my eyes to see Jinxx on top of Ashley throwing punches. After a few punches CC and Andy finally pry Jinxx off. I stood up and started crying so I ran to Jinxx's bunk and went back to sleep.

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