Hospitals and regrets

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I walk into the bathroom and lock the door. I grab my razor and make 6 cuts on each wrist 12 cuts total. Jinxx breaks down the door as I black out.
*Ashley's POV*
I hear Jinxx scream and I know something bad happened. "Call 911! HURRY!" Jinxx yelled. Andy wrapped both arms with towels tightly to stop the bleeding a little. Jinxx carried her out and laid her on the floor with her head propped up. I just sat there crying and saying it was my fault. The ambulance arrived and loaded her.
"Are any of you related her and what's her name?" The first paramedic asked because they had enough room for 3 people to ride with her. So Jinxx, Andy, and I went.
"Her name is Crimson Rose Purdy and I'm her husband and these are her brothers." I said because they needed a last name. The only thing was we knew Rose wasn't her last name but she never told us her real one. Andy said he wasn't leaving her side unless forced. Then there was Jinxx who was crying as hard as me and said he wished it was him in the hospital not her.
*Crimson's POV*
I woke up to beeping and someone holding my hand and another person talking to me. Andy was talking to me and Ashley was holding my hand.
"Come on batman buddy you can do it!" Andy said trying to get me to wake up. I opened my eyes and saw Jinxx crying and Ashley holding back tears while holding my hand.
"Babe I was starting to loose hope of you waking up any time soon it's been 3 days." Ash says and pecks my lips.

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