Chapter 18

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Nobody's POV:

The next morning came and Y/N didn't have any energy to get up out of bed she just laid there the entire day letting the hours pass by not even getting up to eat or do anything. She felt completely drained from last night.

"HAITANI RAN" Mikey yelled storming into the upper penthouse seeing all the guys gathered at the table his eyes darted back and forth looking for Ran he cursed when he saw that Ran wasn't there and fled to his floor "shit" Sanzu said following Mikey, "and the drama starts" Takeomi sighed, all the boys got up from their seats to follow Mikey half wanting to be nosy and half wanting to stop Mikey from committing murder.

Mikey bursted inside Ran's room and saw Ran laying on his bed still asleep. The sudden door slamming open woke him up but Ran didn't care, all he wanted to do was lay in bed and think about what Y/N was doing. Was she crying? Was she with another guy? What was going on in her pretty little broken heart? Mikey jumped on top of Ran's bed towering over him, "You asshole" he growled punching Ran in the face "I trusted you with her" he said throwing another punch.

Ran would of fought back but it was Mikey who was throwing punches at him. Someone whom he respected so much and to be quite frank with himself, he deserved it he deserved everything for betraying the one person he loved. If there was anything Ran hated the most in the world it was traitors and when it came to Y/N, he was the traitor for placing his lips against another woman in front of her.

Ran replayed the scene of Y/N's face in his head over and over breaking his heart again and again, the horror in her eyes seeing the man she loved entangled with another women. Ran had put himself in her shoes and thought about how he would feel if Y/N were to kiss Hanma in front of him, it boiled his blood and shook his core all he could do was drown in his self loath.

"I'm going to fucking kill you" Mikey growled, furious with Ran for hurting the one person who was still alive that he considered family. "Do it Mikey" Ran said "I don't deserve to live" Ran said "hey! Ran quit saying that!" Rindou said, Rin hated seeing his older brother depressed like this, he always go so depressive when it came to losing somebody he loved even if it was his own fault.

Mikey was suddenly pulled off of Ran by Sanzu, Ran's blood splatter on Mikey's face as it dripped from his nose. Mikey was only on top Ran for a few seconds but he already had managed to give the poor guy a busted lip and a bloody nose.

"You cheating son of a bitch, if you weren't a member of Bonten I would of really killed you. No. That doesn't matter anymore actually, I won't give you the easy way out. You deserve to drown in your self loath"  Mikey spat before exiting his room. He took his keys out of his pocket rushing outside to his motorcycle.

Y/N was still laying in bed tears running down her face and tissues everywhere in her room. Her sink was piled with dishes and her apartment was a mess. She didn't feel like doing anything all she could do was sit in her room feeling so alone, pictures of Y/N and Ran glowed on her now cracked phone screen. She screamed and threw her phone across the room in frustration.

"Why me" she cried to herself. Never in her life had she tasted pure love and happiness the way she shared with Ran, only for that happiness to be ripped away from her proving that she wasn't capable of a happy life. She suddenly heard a loud motorcycle roar outside in the midst of her cries, she would know the sound of that motorcycle anywhere. "Mikey" she whispered scrambling to pull herself together.

Mikey parked his CB250T outside Y/N apartment complex and knocked on her door "I know you're in there" he knocked Y/N didn't move, she didn't want to see Mikey she just wanted to be alone. "Y/N if you don't open your door I'm breaking it" Mikey pounded louder, Y/N sighed knowing that Mikey was serious about breaking her door down and peeled herself out of bed.

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