Chapter 23

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Nobody's POV:

"She's going to be okay" the doctor said earning many sighs of relief "she'll be here for a while but she's going to be okay we managed to save her life if you guys had gotten here any minute later her life wouldn't of been salvageable" the doctor added. Ran felt tears of relief stream down on his face "thank god" he said falling to his knees "thank fucking god" he said again crying. Rindou helped him back up and patted his back "I told you didn't I?" He said smiling at his older brother.

Mikey looked at Koko and thanked him for saving Y/N. "We all saved her there's no need to thank me" Koko said patting Mikey's back. "When can we see her?" Mikey asked the doctor "you guys can see here shortly after we fix up a room for her but she'll be asleep" he said. Mikey nodded and thanked the doctor before he left.

"I'm sorry Mikey this is my fault it should of been me laying in that hospital" Ran apologized "don't be sorry Ran this wasn't your fault I would of taken a bullet in her place too" Mikey reassured him. They both shook hands finally making up after weeks of tension. The rest of the Bonten boys smiled at the sight of Mikey and Ran finally getting along, "she really is the glue that holds those two together" Kakucho said.

"You can meet the patient in room 32B" a nurse said coming out, all the guys immediately rushed to the room eager to see Y/N. Ran walked into the room and his heart felt relief at the sight of Y/N's face. There was Y/N sleeping so peacefully, he walked to her side and grabbed her hang kneeling down he kissed her hand and place it on his forehead. "You idiot you nearly took my life too" he said silently. "Ran..." she said lazily still sleepy from the anesthetics, Ran smiled at her "shhh rest up okay? You need it" he said concerned for her "I love you" she said Ran smiled and tears welled up in his eyes "I love you too" he said giving her hand another squeeze he tried to pull away but she held onto his hand "stay" she said in her airy weak voice. "I'm not going anywhere okay?" He said. Mikey came up to the bed and clicked his tongue "you idiot you weren't suppose to shoot yourself!" He scolded Y/N's eyes dwelled with tears and Mikey instantly felt bad "don't you ever do that again and die on me alright I'll really go insane" he said softly to which Y/N cracked a small smile before drifting back asleep.

The next day came and Y/N woke up she sat up and turned on the TV to watch something, just then Ran entered the room with a black coffee he quickly put his coffee on the counter and ran over to Y/N as she was finally awake and not drowsy from the surgery procedure.

"Ran I-" she was interrupted with Ran sealing her lips with his pulled her into a deep kiss. "God I've been missing that" he said kissing her again, Y/N kissed back caving in to his touch. They pulled away and smiled at each other, Y/N examined Ran's face and saw dark circles forming under his purple eyes. "You didn't sleep did you?" She said furrowing her brows Ran laughed "you just woke up from a night of surgery after you shot yourself and you're worried about me? God why are you just so good" he said planting kisses all over her face making Y/N giggle. "I love you I love you I love you I love you Y/N" he said over and over still kissing her face. "I love you too Ran" she said while laughing at his ticklish kisses.

"But you're not out of the dog house yet" she said her face falling flat Ran sat on her bed and cradled her in his arms "punish me then when you feel better" he teased Y/N laughed and snuggled in his embrace "I mean you're not off the hook either tho Y/N" he said looking at her she felt her face go red remembering dancing with a stranger. "If I ever see another man get that close to you again I will kill you both" he lightly flicked her forehead Y/N huffed "well you're not so innocent yourself! I'll shoot you in your leg if you ever cheat again" she said Ran frowned "okay fine you're off the hook but only if you let me off the hook. And I promise you with my life I'll never cheat again if I do then I'll be the one shooting my own chest this time" he said kissing her forehead. Y/N rolled her eyes "whatever I guess so" she mumbled to which Ran laughed earning him an elbow in his stomach.

"What happened to Hanma and Izana?" She asked Ran raising an eyebrow Ran's lips pierced together forming a straight line. "We handled them" he hesitantly said not knowing how to find the right words for 'we killed them'.

"Are they dead?" Y/N whispered, not wanting anybody to hear their conversation but also wanting a clearer answer from Ran "yes" he simply said. "I still love you" she said burying her face into his chest. "I don't care how many people you kill" she whispered, Ran's eyes raised in surprise at what she said "I'm not dumb Ran...I know you've killed people and you probably do it often" she said quietly.

"I'm a bad person" he said Y/N looked up at him "no no you're not you just do what you have to do in order to protect the ones you love" she smiled at him. "So what happened to Hanako?" She asked Ran, Ran sighed "She disappeared, and she's good at staying hidden so we lost her tracks but I promise you if she ever enters our lives again I'll make sure it's the last time" he said stroking Y/N's head.

Y/N nodded her head and hesitated her next question "what happened between you guys?" She asked. Ran sighed "I knew this conversation would come up soon but I didn't know how soon" he said "we dated for a while she was my first love I guess you could say. We were toxic and I was clearly into her more than she was into me and nobody except Rin had the balls to really tell me. One night I was handling with a guy who had tried to kill Rindou and I had to get rid of some people. I didn't know she was standing there but she saw me torture them. She saw the thrill that I get when I strangled people and I guess that scared her off. Come to find out that was actually her lover she was seeing behind my back and they were planning to run off together. I didn't know of this until a week ago when Takeomi told me after he dug into her past whereabouts and backgrounds. She left me without any explanation and she also stole some cash from me as well before she left. But I was young and dumb at the time I didn't care about any of that, I just wanted her so I looked for her for years, destroying myself and my sanity until I one day just finally gave up" he explained to Y/N "I didn't want to tell you about what Bonten actually does because I didn't want you to see me as a monster and leave me too. I may be a violent person but I promise I would never put my hands on you.... Unless you ask me to" Ran said winking at his last sentence. Y/N laughed "Ran I love you, and I don't care what you do, you do what you have to do to protect Bonten" she smiled.

The next following day Y/N was released and the Bonten boys were together to celebrate her discharge from the hospital. "Ahhh Y/N you scared all of us you should of seen Ran he was crying so much" Sanzu said giving her a hug but was pulled off by Ran "hey careful you idiot! She's got stitches" he scolded Sanzu who pouted "you're one tough girl Y/N which is good, being with he'll need somebody who is tough and can handle him" Koko said smiling. Rindou slung his arm around Koko's shoulders "yup he may be the older brother but he's a lot to handle I'm counting on you" he said smiling "welcome back sister in law" he joking said making Y/N blush. Ran and Sanzu were arguing and Takeomi and Mochi came over to break them up "children" Takeomi shook his head "Y/N" Mochi sternly said "you better marry this guy or else I'll come after you" he said Y/N blushed even harder "I-I'm too young to get married right now!" She said embarrassed making everybody laugh. "You're so cute when you're embarrassed Y/N-Chan!" Sanzu said earning a smack on the back of the head from Ran "you druggy don't call my girlfriend cute find your own!" He scowled at Sanzu who was sticking his tongue out at Ran.

"If you ever scare me like that again I'll kill you" Mikey said hugging Y/N she smiled and hugged him back "I'm just glad we're all alive" she said smiling. "Alright it's time to celebrate let's drink!" Kaku said "sorry Y/N none for you" he added Y/N pouted "how are we celebrating but I'm the only one who can't celebrate" Kaku laughed at Y/N's remark, "don't worry when you're fully recovered we can drink until our blood turns into liquor" he said pouring up drinks for everybody else.

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