4- Arrangements

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A day had passed, and we all stood in the repaired camarvan.

"Tubbo," Tommy said, "What's going to happen me?"

"Well, there's a discipline action meeting today to discuss your actions," Tubbo said, "So I really need you to be on your best behavior today. I need you to agree to everything Dream says, and hopefully, he'll agree that the probation is enough."

"Tubbo, I really need to tell you something," I said quietly, "In private if we could."

"Okay, let's step outside," we stepped outside of the van.

"Tommy wasn't the only person there, Tubbo," I said.

"We know Ranboo was probably there, but he doesn't remember anything."

"No, Tubbo, I went with Ranboo and Tommy that day," I said. Tubbo stood there processing what I was telling him, "I was a part of the accident."

"Okay," Tubbo was still processing what I was telling him, "We should head to the meeting hall," He went back into the van to get the others.

We walked to the meeting hall as I had blocked out what they were saying. What should I do? It's unfair for Tommy to be exiled when I was also there.

When we made it to the meeting hall, Dream was already sitting at the head of the table. I took my seat beside him as I felt his eyes digging into me through his mask.

"Dream, you said you had something you need to address?" Tubbo asked, taking his seat at the end of the table.

"Ya well, I told you before," Dream leaned back in his seat, "I want Tommy exiled, and I told you that you had three days."

"Well," Tubbo replied, "is there any other alternative that doesn't involve that?"

"Well, I mean, what's your proposition?"

"Well, I-" Tubbo was cut off by Dream.

"You know I've put a lot of work into those walls," Dream stifled a silent laugh," they've actually doubled in size since we last talked, and I have even more obsidian to add to the walls."

"Okay, well, I want a peaceful resolution where no one is exiled and-"

"Well, you're considering it, exiling Tommy."

Tubbo hesitated for a moment, looking at me then Tommy, "It's an option on the table."

"I think what he is trying to say is that we are willing to compromise," Quacity spoke, "Tommy has been on his best behavior, and his reports show that he has bettered a lot."

Dream let out an airy laugh.

"We could keep the walls perhaps," Quackity babbled, "And Tommy will still be on probation."

"Okay, well, what's your proposition?"

"We keep Tommy on probation for at least two or three more weeks," Tubbo said, "and while he is on probation, the walls can stay, not grow, but they can stay, and if he does something wrong, they can grow."

"Can I just say I have a couple constructive criticisms?"

"Tommy, let the adults speak," Dream spat.

"Might I say," Tommy said, "look at me, keeping my cool while my Dream has been taunting me?" I glared at Tommy kicking him under the table, trying to get him to stop talking. "What's a nice way to say this," to no avail. Tommy kept speaking, "Dream has been a huge bitch." I kicked the boy harshly as he winced and looked at me confused.

"Tommy Tommy," Tubbo spoke worriedly as Dream's aura darkened, "Tommy was doing really well. Let's stop."

"You know what, I kinda like your idea," Dream spoke, leaning forward, "He's on probation for three weeks, and if he does anything, it extends, and the walls grow."

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