12- Truth?

684 21 10

(TW: Manipulation)

Several minutes had passed, and Sam still wasn't back.

The only sound that could be heard was the popping of the lava below.

It must have been around ten or fifteen minutes before the sound of scraping metal interrupted the popping lava.

"Could you bring the platform out?" instead of Sam's voice, I heard someone else's. A voice I could never forget.


"Oh sure," this time it was Sam's, muffled by his mask. I heard even more clanking metal as the bridge partly out completed the platform.

My cell shook lightly as the platform finished reaching across the lava. I stayed in the small bed, refusing to look at the source of my fear.

"Ok, thanks," footsteps came closer to my cell, "you may leave now."

"Dream as the guard of this pri-"

"You may leave now," Dream's dark voice cut him off.

The door's metal could be heard scraping shut, and footsteps came closer to my cell.

The door opened as I flinched at the loud noise.

"Wakey wakey (Y/N)!"

I slowly looked at the blond, staying curled up in my ball.

"Oh, come on, get up," Dream grabbed my arm and pulled me out of bed and onto the cold obsidian.

I hit the floor and ran to the other corner of the room.

"(Y/N)," Dream sighed before crouching down in front of me, "do you remember what happened?"

"I remember enough," I snapped at him.

"You do?" Dream stood and walked back to sit on the bed.

"You nearly killed me!"

"(Y/N) I gave you two rules: You can't visit Tommy and stay with Sapnap," He said, leaning back, "and you broke both of them at the same time."

I stayed silent as Dreams' voice echoed through the halls. He looked at me and sighed, hunching over slightly.

"(Y/N) you know I checked L'Manberg today," he paused slightly, "They didn't even know that you had gone missing till I asked about you."


"Tubbo specifically said that he wasn't supposed to be your babysitter."

"You're lying."

"(Y/N)," Dream calmly said, "we're not at war anymore. I have nothing to gain from lying to you."

He was right. The war was over, L'Manberg and The Dreamsmp were at peace.

Dream has absolutely nothing to gain from getting me on his side.

And Tubbo wasn't acting like he used to. He was making harsher decisions and being meaner.

The creaking broke the silence of the bed as Dream stood.

"Listen (Y/N), I'm sorry," Dream's voice sounded soft, "I'm just the messenger here."

"When can I leave?" I asked, mumbling slightly.

"One week," Dream replied, "your punishment was one week, so you'll restart that. Sam will feed you, and no visitors are permitted."

I curled tighter and further into the corner; this would be a long week. 

(word count: 470)

An- Really short chapter this week so I'm sorry about that, I'll try to get an Origins chapter out this week to make up for it though!

ALSOOOO did y'all see the Dream lore we got from the DreamXD channel??? big stuff big stuff, and in case you didn't know according to Wilbur his next stream will be a lore reading! 

I hope you enjoyed the chapter (even if it is short :/)!

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