11- prison

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I woke up and did not recognize my surroundings.

The room was made of dark obsidian with two windows of iron bars and an iron door on one wall.

I slowly stood from the bed I was in and walked to the windows, despite the soreness lingering in my leg. I could see that I was inside a hallway outside the window, the floor partially built on the other side. Just outside the door was a drop directly into lava. I could also hear what sounded like construction.

I had a pretty good guess where I was. My memory from before was fuzzy, but I remembered going to see Tommy and then hiding from Dream, but that's about it.

My thoughts were cut short by heavy footsteps behind the door to the hallway.

I had expected to see Dream but instead saw messy, long, green hair. I would recognize it anywhere, Sam.

Sam was a member of the badlands when I lived there. He was a great builder and engineer, and he wasn't a bad fighter.

"Sam," I called out to get his attention as he crossed the bridge.

"What do you want?" He turned to me a bit harshly; his face and hands were covered in red dust.

I took a small step back at his harsh tone; this wasn't the Sam I knew.

"W- Where am I?"

"The Prison," Sam said blankly while setting down his bag and starting to work on the door across from my cell.

"Why am I here? What happened?"

"I don't know," He huffed, "Dream brought you here. You looked pretty ruffled up, so I patched you up." Sam's voice wavered slightly as he hesitated to say the second portion of his statement.

I was stunned, what had happened before I passed out. Had Dream caught me, did I get away and get caught later, was Tommy safe?

Sam seemed to have noticed my confusion.

"Do you not remember what happened?"

"I- no, I just remember going to see Tommy and hiding from Dream."

"Well," Sam hesitated, thinking if he should continue, "Dream told me that Sapnap caught you trying to escape your house, and you fell down a hill after getting shot by a skeleton."

"That's not what happened," I was shocked at the lie, "yes, I escaped my house, but I'm smarter than that."

"I figured he was lying," by now Sam was sitting facing towards me, "your arrow wound had poison-laced around it, skellingtons don't carry laced arrows; at least not around here."

"I got to Tommy's exile- Dream came in the morning, and I hid- that's all I can remember," I said, defeated.

"When Dream brought you, he had a bow," Sam said, "I imagine he caught you."

It took me a minute to process what was going on.

"Tommy!" I shouted, startling Sam, who had gone back to work, "is Tommy ok?"

"I don't know," Sam continued to work on the door, "Dream just told me to keep you in here for a week and tell him when you woke up speaking of which." Sam pulled out his communicator and started to type something out.

"Wait, please don't tell him yet," I begged Sam, terrified of what Dream was going to do.

"(Y/N) listen, I'm sorry, but I have to."

This wasn't the Sam I knew. The Sam I knew would protect me no matter what. He was gentle and kind despite his intimidating appearance. The Sam I knew liked to sit with his friends while I braided small portions of his hair.

The Sam I knew wasn't a blind follower.

I backed away from the window and went back to the small bed.

"Listen (Y/N)-" Sam sounded defeated, "I can't go against Dream's orders. He's the one who hired me to build this. You're just lucky that I'm still working on the Redstone for Pandora's Box."

"What do you mean?"

"Dream wanted to put you in the max security cell. It's not a pleasant place."

I stayed silent as I sank into the small bed.

"I'm assuming since you were able to get up, your wounds are doing better?"

I mumbled back a soft 'ya.'

I heard Sam let out a soft sigh, "That's good; I was worried when Dream brought you in," Sam stopped for a second, "I thought we might lose you."

Suddenly I heard metal scraping and moving against itself.

I sat up quickly and ran to the window; I saw Sam standing in front of the door he was working on as it opened. Sam's face had a giant smile plastered over it.

That's the Sam I knew, the Sam that would work tirelessly to finish his Redstone builds and then be so proud when they finally worked.

Sam's bright smile fell as his communicator dinged. He took it out of his pocket and read the message before turning back to me putting on his mask.

"I'll be right back," He left through the large, now open door, closing it behind him.

I sat back in the bed and waited for Sam to come back. 

word count- 852


If you didn't catch on last chapter was a cannon life! I was gonna put a cool little graphic but... decided not to... totally didn't just completely forget... I'll add one here in a bit jut for the effects... 

also I got almost a foot of snow in my college town and as someone from the south who never gets snow I am just... wow... its a lot... but I hope y'all liked the new chapter and I'll see yall next week!

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