15- Dream

676 24 7

(Tw: manipulation and lying) 

After a while, Sam had a pile of rotting wood and pretty much nothing salvageable, and I had a few drawings and a list of materials.

"Ok, so not much was salvageable," Sam sounded disappointed, "what do you have, though?"

I handed him the drawing; It was the same silhouette like the old house, just some different materials, "I was thinking this time we could use stone bricks and oak."

"Classic look; I like it." Sam flipped through the pages making a few calculations in his head. It was some uncanny ability he had to do all the math he needed in his head. "Ok, you go get a couple of stacks of wood. I'll work on the stone brick."

Sam gave me his ax before he walked towards the prison. I assume he had a temporary base there, and I walked towards the forest. Sam's ax was very sturdily made. It's the least you'd imagine for him. It shined with enchantments, which were uncommon for an ax as it was hard to tell what you'd get, so usually all of one's expenses went to enchanting weapons and armor.

It also seemed lighter than it should be, probably an efficiency enchantment Sam had gotten as it also seemed impossible to dull. I began to chop down trees and cut up the wood.

After a few trees, I heard a twig snap.

My head whipped around to see who it was. I saw no one there, but I knew someone was out there.

"Sam?" I called out, hoping he was playing a joke on me. I felt a hand being placed on my shoulder, and I jumped away, turning to see a familiar porcelain mask.

"Hey hey," Dream reached up to his mask, moving it away to show the black face mask underneath that only covered his mouth and nose. "What's wrong?"

Dreams' bright green eyes were almost hypnotizing as they were surrounded by freckles that littered his entire face.

"You tried to kill me!"

"I was trying to protect you (Y/N)," Dream said softly.

"You shot me," I was astonished at his response.

"Cause you wouldn't trust me (Y/N)," Dream paused, regaining himself, "Tommy isn't safe (Y/N). He's reckless and dangerous. Every time you've gotten hurt, it's been his fault."

"That's not true."

"Wilbur and Tommy were the ones who drug you into the war"

"I joined the war," I cut him off.

"So did Nikki," Dream sat on one of the stumps, "but they refused to let her fight."

I stood silent.

"I know he and Wilbur scared you during Shlatt's presidency, and here you are, still running back to him, yet he was the one who called me to the island."

"Wait- he called you," I was shocked. Tommy said he had just shown up.

"Ya, I told him that I wasn't going to be coming that day, but he said he wanted to hang out."

I just sat down, silent, unsure how to feel now.

"Well, what are you doing with all this wood," Dream came to sit next to me, gently patting my head.

"Sam and I are rebuilding my house in the badlands," I leaned into his touch.

"Why aren't you going back to L'Manberg?"

"If they didn't even notice I was gone, why would I go back," I said softly.

"That's true," Dream continued to softly play with my hair and ears, "lemme help you, this is a lot of wood."

Dream pulled out a small orb, and I instantly recognized an item orb. They were a bit rarer than the orbs we used to store weapons. He held it out, and a portion of the wood disappeared; Dream did that a couple more times till the wood was gone, now replaced by several orbs that he held in his bag.


We walked silently to the badlands. We returned to the house where Sam stood chiseling away at the stone.

"Hey Sam," Dream called out to him as we exited the woods.

"Dream," Sam looked surprised as I walked up from behind Dream.

"Taking a break from the prison?" Dream questioned, taking the orbs out from his bag and releasing them.

"I had to take a break to deal with the egg stuff Bad had going on," Sam dusted himself off from the dust that had layered his clothes, "And (Y/N) 's house was covered in the vines, so I'm helping her rebuild."

"That's nice," Dream said, releasing the last orb to reveal a stack of wood, "Well, I've got to go. Good luck with the build."

Dream walked off towards the community portal, probably to go see Tommy.

"So-" Sam said, bringing out the 'o', "Dream's being nicer than he was the other day. What did you guys talk about in the woods." Sam took several of the stone bricks and started laying the house's foundation.

"He explained what happened the other day," I said, following behind him with my stack of bricks, "I guess I only remembered a couple of things and not the whole story."

"What do you mean?"

"Tommy was the one who called Dream and told him I was there."

"Oh-" Sam hesitated before taking off his mask and grabbing more of the stone bricks, "it's fine, let's just finish building your house."

He smiled at me, making me smile as we continued to work. We finished the house before dawn, thanks to Sam's building ability. The inside was still unfurnished, but Sam had promised to help me with that tomorrow, and for now, he had built a simple bed. So I would have a place to sleep. 

Word count- 944

AN- YOO happy valentines day! I should've done a valentines day special over on the origins book... but I didn't cause I don't really see valentines day as a holiday... ya that's my mindset towards the holiday that reminds me that I am lonely every year/j 

Anyways I hope y'all have a good valentines day! and remember if you liked pls vote or comment idk something I guess, you could also just do nothing I don't care to much.

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