10- caught

688 25 8

(TW: blood, violence, manipulation)

I was awoken by Tommy violently shaking me.

"(Y/N) wake up!"

"Just let me sleep a little longer," I mumbled while pushing him away.

"Well, if you want Dream to see you and get even madder, then sure."

That certainly woke me up.

"Wait, Dreams on his way?" I sprung up.

"Ya," Tommy said, walking into the enclosed area that had tall logs as fences; he had told me that it was called Logstier. I quickly got my stuff together and followed him, pulling my backpack on as I moved.

"I suggest you hide in here," He looked to me, "there's a pile of branches and leaves over there. It would be perfect."

"What about my bag?"

"Give it here," Tommy took it and disappeared into Ghostbur's house.

"Tommy," a far too familiar voice called out.

Tommy ran out of the small building and looked at me, motioning for me to hide before he ran out.

I quickly got into the pile of leaves and branches and covered myself entirely.

"Dream!" I could hear Tommy's voice loud and clear, "My man, how are you doing?"

"I'm doing good, Tommy," Dream's voice was a lot quieter than the younger boys.

I heard them walking away as both voices faded. I sighed in relief as I had a few minutes of a break.

A few minutes had passed, I was still hidden in the leaves, and I had heard nothing from Tommy or Dream. I thought I could maybe be in the clear, but that thought was cut short by a loud voice.

"But Dream-" the sound of an explosion cut the voice off.

I could hear footsteps walking towards Logstier now.

And the footsteps were accompanied by a voice.

"So Tommy, why is there a boat on the shoreline?"

My boat! We hadn't moved it, so Dream must have seen it.

"Oh- I've not been catching much at shore anymore, so I figured if I just went a little bit out, I might catch some more fish," Tommy quickly recovered.

"Oh, so how has that been going?" Dream was skeptical. I could tell by his voice.

"It's been pretty good actually," Tommy has always been a terrible liar.

Dream was now walking all around the small area, examining everything. He came to the corner that I was hidden in, quickly scanning it over before leaving the enclosed space, followed closely by Tommy.

I let out a heavy sigh, relaxing a little bit as I let my head down though it moved the leaves too much.

The rustling was too easy to be heard.

Dream quickly turned around, and Tommy panicked.

"Oh, there must be a squirrel in my brush pile," Tommy laughed to cover up the clear lie.

Dream had made his way in front of me, "oh then, I guess you wouldn't mind if I did this."

"I- Dream maybe we should jus-"

Tommy was cut off, and I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. I held my hand over my mouth to try and silence my cry. My efforts were in vain as he pulled the sword back, the blood on the blade giving away my hiding spot, along with my ear-piercing scream. My hand went up to where the blade once was. I could feel the warm blood quickly spilling from the wound.

Before I could think, my sight was cleared by a large hand, and I looked up to see the emotionless smile on Dream's porcelain mask.

"Dream- I-," I stuttered as I shook, trying to think of anything to get me out of this nightmare.

"You what?" Dream yelled as he picked me up by the collar of my shirt before tossing me out of the brush pile.

"Dream!" Tommy yelled, running up beside him.

"Tommy, back off!" Dream yelled, he was beyond mad, and both of us could tell.

"(Y/N) I gave you two rules!" Dream shouted before throwing me to the center of the enclosed space. "Stay with Sapnap," He took one step towards where I sat, scrambling backward, "and you can't see Tommy!"

I couldn't speak. Tommy stood behind Dream with wide eyes; we were both terrified.

"They were simple rules, and yet, in one day, you broke both of them."

Dream looked down on me. I was a trembling mess, clutching onto my shoulder in pain.

"You know what," Dream said calmly as he knelt to my level, "I'm feeling generous; I'll give you a thirty-second head start." Dream reached into his pocket, pulling out a silver pocket watch and clicking a button.

I sat there frozen.

"You're wasting your time (Y/N)," he turned the watch to show me.

I scrambled to my feet, running out of Logstier and not looking back. I ran into the forest by Tommy's camp.

I ran as fast as I could, but I saw a blur of something being thrown in front of me. Purple particles appeared as Dream teleported in front of me.

"Hello (Y/N)," Dream held a loaded crossbow. I stumbled to a stop before turning around to run back to the camp.

"Tommy!" I shouted, trying to get his help, "Tommy he-"

Sharp pain in my leg made me stumble, but I kept going in fear of getting caught.

I stumbled back into Tommy's camp to see him scrambling through chests.

"(Y/N)!" Tommy looked up from his chest to see me stumbling out of the woods.

The pain was starting to worsen as my vision was beginning to blur. I couldn't keep my balance as I started to fall.

"(Y/N)!" he shouted as he ran to catch me before I hit the ground.

I saw a blurry image walking out of the woods. It wasn't hard to tell who it was as the blurry smile came closer.

"Dream!" Tommy shouted, holding me close, "What did you do to her?"

"Oh, she's fine," Dream scoffed, coming closer to look at me. He held my chin to look up at him, "I knew bringing the laced arrows would be smart."

"Dream, help her!" Tommy shouted, making my ears ring.

"I always have to save her from you, don't I?" Dream took me from Tommy as my vision started to fade.

"What-" Tommy tried to put words together.

"Tommy, every time she's gotten in trouble, you've put her there. Don't you wonder why I didn't allow her to visit you? This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't seen her."

"I-," Tommy sounded broken, and my vision had gone black as he finished his statement, "I'm sorry."

(word count: 1089)

AN: sorry this is a day late I had a lot of stuff to deal with yesterday and this just escaped my mind... I also didn't know I still had a pre-edited chapter... anyways here it is better late then never 

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