24- finale

587 23 10

(TW- violence/blood/results of said violence and blood. It's doomsday so be aware of that.)

I woke up to the small beams of sun shining into the room, on any other day it would have been beautiful.

Today it wasn't though.

I took my armor off the stand that stood beside the door, taking my time to slide the pieces on carefully so they wouldn't break off. I stepped outside to see the grid over the land had been finished, Dream was long gone leaving us scrambling around.

I could assume everyone had gone to meet up at the community house- or what was left.

When I got there I saw an argument had erupted.

"Well someone blew up all of our equipment!" Tommy's voice boomed through the group.

"We can't do anything to change that so we'll just have to work with what we have!"

"What happened?" I ran up to the group confused as to what the argument was about.

"Someone blew up all our supplies," Sapnap responded to me.

"We've only got an hour till 3 too," Tubbo said worriedly.

"It's no problem," Eret spoke, "with this many people we can get enough supplies easily, let's go back to L'Manberg and see what we have left."

We walked back to L'Manberg, this time Dream had re-appeared running around frantically on the large grid.

If that wasn't enough there stood, in the middle of the town, Techno. Fully clad in netherite armor, ax drawn, and surrounded by a countless number of wolves.

"I thought you said three o-clock!" Tommy shouted to the two.

"Have I ever been a man of my word Tommy?" Dream shouted back, now carelessly sitting down on the grid, allowing his legs to dangle off the side.

"No-" tubbo looked terrified as he spoke, "we're not ready- we can't-"

"Nothing we can do now but fight."

Techno's wolves were released as he laughed, Dream resumed running around and started flicking levers.

Naturally, Sapnap ran into the middle of a group of hounds and went crazy.

I had drawn my sword to defend myself, but I still felt the harsh bite of a dog on my leg. I looked down ready to swing but saw nothing when I swung my sword I hit something invisible- he had used potions on some of the dogs; probably also used strength on them too that bite didn't seem normal.

"Some of them are invis!" I shouted while kicking the invisible hound off my leg.

Our coordination was thrown off at a large blast that shook the ground, some dogs ran off at the sound, and others continued attacking us. I looked over to see a steady stream of TNT being dropped on L'Manberg.

TNT Dupers- Dream had used illegal tech, not like it mattered at this point he's blowing up a whole nation.

The only hope to stop it is to get up there and attempt to break the tech, it's nearly impossible but there has to be something we can do.

I scanned the area looking for a way onto the grid finding a hill that roughly led to the grid. Once I got the dog off me I ran to the hill, climbing up the side and grasping onto the cold obsidian frame. I found the closest duper and started pulling at the wires, attempting desperately to stop it.

Suddenly out of the corner of my eye I saw a flash of black and red fireworks, then a distant rumble followed by a loud screeching.

I knew exactly what it was-

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