19- the green festival

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It was the day of the festival.

I didn't have any idea of what to expect but I started suiting up-

Latching one of each of the potions I had made to my hip and putting the others in my bag.

I strapped my sword to my side discreetly before also latching light armor to my shoulders(better then nothing.)

I covered it all with a dark red cloak.

By now it was about noon so the festival should be starting about now.

I started walking to L'Manberg. I walked past Tommy's old hobbit hole and reached the down turn to the country.

It was obviously a party, I could see balloons tied around the paths along with streamers everywhere. Almost everyone was crowded together by the podium. Tubbo stood on the podium along with Quackity and Fundy, they were talking about something serious it seemed like.

Tubbo turned to see me, now walking onto the platform that held the podium. He had changed; like a lot.

His dark brown hair was now growing out and pulled back into a messy ponytail to keep it out of his face, yet it didn't really do much; the horns that were really only small stubs last I saw him were now reaching past his hair, not yet curling like Shlatt's but almost like a baby goats horns. The scarring from the last festival almost seemed to be worse, it reached across half of his face covering an eye that was whited out.

But yet he turned and his smile was the same toothy bright smile. He turned back to the others and explained something before jumping off the platform and running to me.

Before I could say anything I was engulfed into a tight hug from the boy.

"You came," his voice was barely a whisper, "I didn't think you would come."

"Who am I to turn down an invitation to free food," I laughed as Tubbo finally let me go, "but Bad convinced me to come."

"Well thank you," Tubbo said back, "I really didn't mean what I said last time, I don't know what I was thinking."

"It's fine," I sighed, "you're stressed out and I'm sure Quackity and Fundy aren't helping that at all."

"Tubbo!" Quackity shouted from the stage.

"Oh- I have to go start this thing," Tubbo laughed weakly before turning around and walking to the stage. Quackity pulled him to the side and whispered something, that made me concerned but I brushed it off, Tubbo whispered something back before walking to the podium to start his speech.

I didn't listen much to the speech, just watched around, occasionally tuning back in to hearing Tubbo say something about how great the nation was or how he was so proud to be president.

"If everyone will follow me this way I have our first game ready!" Ranboo shouted leading the crowd to a game which seemed to be ring toss.

The boy handed everyone a different colored ring before explaining the rules.

"Ok so the closest to the dowel rod gets a cookie!" He took a small box out of the chest that he pulled the rings out of, "And no cheating, everyone must stand behind the line but you may do whatever you want to throw behind the line."

After a couple rounds, almost all of which were won by Punz; Quackity, Fundy, and Tubbo walked away discreetly. It had now started sprinkling, not enough to be concerning as it would probably stop soon. I noticed Ranboo out of the corner of my eye, slightly panicked as he reached for something attached to his belt. He unhooked it and I saw that it was a small umbrella. He stood under it now content as we continued the game.

The three cabinet members returned to the group looking to Ranboo. The tall teenager huddled under an umbrella during light sprinkles was a weird sight.

"Ranboo what are you doing?" Quackity asked him.

"It's raining," He said, ears now turning downwards as his tail was wrapping around his leg to stay dry.

"I mean it's sprinkling, not enough to justify that," Fundy stifles his laughter.

"Um-," Ranboo hesitated a little, "Enderman," He said simply.

"Oohh," Tubbo responded, "he can't get wet."

We continued the game; I ended up winning one round, and it was totally worth it. Niki must have provided the cookies cause they were delicious.

The game was now over and Tubbo was looking more anxious.

"We have- uh," Tubbo looked around before quackity whispered something to him, "Snacks! We have some snacks over here!"

We followed to group over to a section of the town with empty market stalls. Quackity ran into one of the stalls pulling out a couple barrels; one held various drinks the other held some bread.

"Here you go!" Quackity said before turning and dragging Fundy and Tubbo off somewhere else. They were talking about something but I chose to brush it off as I sipped on my drink.

"Uh- (Y/N) right?" a voice said as I looked up to see the giant boy standing over me slightly slouched.

"Ya," he was taller up close then I thought he'd be. His shoulder length hair was pulled messily back, pieces sticking out everywhere as his half and half face was speckled with freckles of the other side's color. He was really quite beautiful and elegant.

"I'm Ranboo!" He said with a big smile, "Tubbo has talked a lot about you, he seems to really admire you."

"Did he ask you to say that?"

"No!" Ranboo was quick to defend himself.

I laughed slightly at his response as I noticed a small book hanging from his belt.

"What's that," I pointed to the book.

"Oh that's my memory book," Ranboo patted the book lightly, "I have a hard time with memory so I write down whatever is important to me!"

"Oh, that's cool- well not the memory loss, the book thing."

"Thank you," we both shared a laugh but mine was stopped short as I saw a figure on the horizon.

"What's going on over there," I pointed, a green cloaked figure rebuilding the walls that stood months ago. Not much guessing was put into who it was.

"That can't be good," Ranboo turned to see, "Let me go get Tubbo."

He ran off towards the group that was talking. I saw him explain what was happening before they all turned and saw the figure. The group ran off to the wall that was being built; I followed close behind them.

"What are you doing?" Tubbo shouted to Dream.

"Tommy fucked up."

"What- what did he do?" Tubbo was stunned, "What happened?"

"What did- how- wha-," Fundy stuttered, "What do you mean!"

"You're telling me you don't know what he did?"

"No!" Fundy shouted again, "We don't know!"

"Dream, Tommy's exiled," Tubbo was trying to calm the group down.

"You actually don't know what he did!"

"He's gone!" Tubbo shouted this time.

"No-" Dream said coldly, "you're lying to me! You're lying Tubbo!"

"No! We're not!" Tubbo shouted back, finally breaking, "I'm being completely truthful, Dream!"

"Dream, what do you mean?" Fundy said, trying to calm the boy.

"Follow me."

Word count- 1207

An- sorry for never posting last week, it was spring break and I just forgot... here's a new chapter tho enjoy.

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