22- sides

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The group started splitting up; most following Tommy who was yelling about preparations for tomorrow.

I stood still, thinking.

Thinking about Dream's offer.

Was it really that bad of an offer?

My thoughts were cut off by a hand wrapping around my wrist.

"What," Tubbo's voice was soft, sore from yelling, "what did Dream tell you?"

"What you wouldn't I guess," I didn't look at him.

"What do you mean?" Tubbo's voice strained.

"That you didn't even notice I was gone, you tried to kill me?" I was nearly yelling now.

"What- (Y/N) why would I do that?"

"I don't know but you've made a lot of stupid decisions since taking office in that stupid country!"

I didn't let him respond before I walked off towards the direction the group was headed.

Yelling was heard from the group- not good.

"Because of NO reason!" a female voice shouted.

I ran to the group seeing Niki yelling at Ranboo.

"-You are pretending to be on our side!"

"What's going on?" I stepped in.

"Ranboo helped Tommy! He's always pretended to be on our side!" Niki stopped, "You were there too (Y/N)!"

"Niki that all was an accident," I tried to calm her down.

"I'm not pretending, I've never pretended to be on anyone's side!" It was the first time I heard Ranboo shout, "I don't care! Okay? I don't care about countries! Your guys keep choosing sides. Why don't you choose people! Why don't you care about people!"

"Because I thought you trust tubbo!" Niki shouted in return, "I thought you were friends with Tubbo and then you go and talk to Techno and Tommy?"

"I do trust him!" Ranboo's eyes were brimming with tears and slightly steaming, "why can't I trust people on opposite sides? It's not called being a traitor!"

"Listen, I think we all need to come together and stick up for L'Manberg before it all gets blown up tomorrow," Punz stepped between the two before they could continue.

"You guys are just picking sides again," Ranboo continued, "you guys are screwed, why don't you realize that!"

"You supported blowing up L'Manberg, Ranboo."

"No!" Ranboo shouted at the blond-haired man.

"Before anything happens, Ranboo," This time it was Fundy who tried to stop the group from fighting, "what the fuck is up with that book."

"I keep my memories in a book." Ranboo explained, "I did, but he has it, well- now Tubbo has it. It wasn't- I don't know how he got it, okay? I always kept it on me!"

"So tubbo has it now, but Dream had it?" Fundy seemed unimpressed, "and Dream read through-"

"I don't know how Dream had it!" Ranboo desperately tried to explain, "it's just so I don't forget who my friends are... because I don't care about countries."

"Let's just leave him alone ok," I stepped between Fundy and Ranboo, clearly upset.

"No (Y/N) we haven't forgotten that you just disappeared after Tommy was exiled!" Fundy shouted, causing my ears to pin further backward, "Where were you?"

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