13- Outside

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Sure enough, it was a very long week.

Like Dream said, I had no visitors, only Sam three times a day bringing a plain baked potato.

Most of the time Sam spent in the hall, fixing something with the Redstone paths and doors. He had recently finished the floor, which retracted to reveal lava when someone wasn't walking around.

Soon enough, though, my last day came. I had been waiting for whoever it was to come and let me out for a while now. Sam was even late with my meal today.

Metal scraping interrupted my thoughts; I quickly jumped up to see who it was, looking out the small opening I had.

There stood the green-haired giant flipping some levers.

After he flipped one of the levers, the sound of pistons filled whatever was left of the silence. The floor started to form in front of the cells. Sam left his position and walked to the door of my cell. Pulling out a key, he opened the door.

"Ready to leave?"

"Absolutely," I said happily, walking over to the man.

Sam led me through the prison, which looked pretty much done. We came to a large open room with a lectern in the middle and some levers behind it. Sam flipped one of the levers, which activated a large portal at the other end of the room.

"Ok, you're gonna go through this portal, and you'll end up in a small room, wait a minute, then go back through."

"Gotcha," I gave him a thumbs-up before walking into the purple swirls. Sure enough, I ended up in a small room with white pillars. After a minute, I walked back through the portal. This time I ended up in a larger space. In front of me was a large arch leading to the outside.

I ran out of the room and into the sun outside.

It felt nice after spending a whole week in the dark prison. Of course, now I had the question of where I would go.

If L'Manberg honestly didn't care I had left, then I surely wasn't going back.

I still had what was left of my home in the Badlands; that was my only option.

I had made my decision.

I started walking down the small wooden path. It was deteriorating fast. Boards were beginning to bend up due to rain. Red vines overtook the route as I came farther into town. They looked like the vines from the egg thing Bad showed me.

Sure enough, as I got closer to Bad's mansion in the Badlands, the vines became more and more apparent.

Bad's mansion was covered with red vines. I carefully left the path, following the short route stamped into the grass by foot traffic. I came up to my old house. The roof was in desperate need of repair, and the damage from before the war remained on top of the red vines that had made their way to my house.

I had no tools to repair the build on me since Dream had probably taken what little I did have. My good tools were in my ender chest, and my old ender chest was nowhere to be found in the house.

"Bad's probably gone one in his place," I sighed, walking up the small hill to the mansion.

I passed the thick red vines that almost whispered as I walked near them.

Slightly creeped out, I quickened my pace to get to the door. As I entered the large building, I discovered that it wasn't much better inside.

Vines still crept in through the windows and doors, and the whispers only got louder. I had one objective in being here, finding his ender chest, and I was going to do just that.

I wandered through the house, blocking out the whispers till eventually, I found the glowing chest. I opened it to see my tool orbs. I grabbed the bag of orbs before quickly closing the chest.

"(Y/N)!" A familiar voice called from behind me.

I turned to see the tall demonic form behind me.

"Oh," I hesitated, the uncomfortable feeling got worse, "Hey Bad, I just needed to borrow your ender chest. I'll be on my way." I made my way to the door before something grabbed me by my waist and pulled me back. Panicked, I looked down to see Bad's tail, tightly wrapped around my waist, pinning me to look at him.

"Wait, where have you been? I haven't seen you since I showed you the egg. It's like you're avoiding me."

"Oh, I sorta got in trouble with Tommy, so I've been under house arrest, and then I was moved to the prison."

"Well, what are you doing back in the badlands?"

"I think I'm going to try and repair my old house, actually," I mentioned trying to shimmy my way out of his tail's hold.

"Oh really," Bad had a big smile on his face now, "The egg would love that!"

"Sure," I mumbled, still struggling, "Bad, I should get going now. It's getting late."

"Why don't you stay here?"

"I think Tubbo is expecting me back soon," I lied through my teeth.

"Oh," He sounded defeated as his tail loosed around my waist, "Ok then, I'll see you around."

"Ya, see you around."

As soon as I could, I ran out of the building. It was starting to get dark, and I didn't know where to go.

L'manberg was off the table if what Dream said was true.

I was not staying with Bad.

My old house was covered with vines.

And everywhere else was too.

If I remember correctly, the town center didn't have that many vines in it yet, so I made my way there.

I could still hear the whispering of the vines as I walked, and no matter what I did, they just seemed to get louder and louder and-


Suddenly they were gone. I looked around to see if something had happened, only to see the now dark sky and the path lit by several lamp posts.

I looked to my side to see the church. I could see the markers of the holy land, and not a single vine passed the border. The holy land must be the cause for the silence. I made my way to the doors and pushed them open, seeing the white and purple room.

I lay down on one of the pews before falling into a deep sleep on the rugged cushions. 

word count: 1088


I don't have much to say here... I would vaguely talk about the lore that happened but I actually didn't watch it because I was busy and couldn't... ANYWAYS hope y'all liked the chapter and have a good week!

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