6- Manhunt

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Dream stepped forward, grabbing Tommy's arm.

"No," I shouted, pushing Dream back.

"I'll be back to discuss what we do with you," Dream pushed me away from him and into Fundy, who caught me just before I could fall off the wall, "and until I get back, Sapnap will take guard outside your house to make sure you don't go anywhere." Dream pulled out his communicator, typing something before putting it back up and walking off, pulling a shouting Tommy behind him.

Tubbo climbed down the wall starting back to the van. I pushed myself out of Fundy's arms, chasing after Tubbo.

"Tubbo," I followed on his heels, "Tubbo, we agreed we weren't going to exile Tommy, and you went back on your word."

"I'm doing what's best for L'Manberg."

"If we can't trust your word, then what can we trust, Tubbo?"

"(Y/N) you should make your way back to your house," Tubbo said, opening the door to the van, "you're already on thin ice with Dream. I wouldn't play with my chances if I were you."

Tubbo closed the door to the van, leaving me standing there alone.

I wasn't sure what to do. If I went back home, I'd be giving up; someone had to stay out of trouble with Dream to help Tommy, and I'm not sure anyone else will.

For now, I'd hide out in Fundy's base, it was hidden, and not many people knew how to get to it. I ran towards where I left Fundy. Although it was safe, I didn't know how to get into the base.

I ran into the city's center only to see a black-haired man talking with Fundy and Quackity.

"Okay," I spoke to myself before changing into my cat's form and running towards the exit of the city. The walls had blocked off every entrance except for a small doorway. I'd have to go through there. Unfortunately, the opening was on the other side of the group talking with Sapnap.

I carefully walked along the side of the path, trying to avoid the sight of the ravenette. Although I avoided Sapnap's view, the red-haired fox caught sight of me, his ears showing interest and grabbing the attention of Sapnap.

"What is it," the boy said, turning around to look at what had caught Fundy's attention. My eyes widened in fear as they connected with his dark gray eyes, "Well, if it isn't the little kitten I've been sent to watch."

That was my moment to run.

I took out in a sprint away from the group as Sapnap followed closely behind. My plan had been thrown out the window. If someone saw me going to Fundy's base, then it wouldn't be a hideout, would it, so I would have to lose Sapnap first.

I ran as fast as I could. I knew this terrain and had been training to get faster ever since he had caught me before. I ran through the small exit through the wall shortly behind Sapnap, followed relentlessly. My only hope of losing him was in the forest. I shifted back to my human form and ran to the forest. As I entered the forest, tiny droplets of rain started to fall.

Twigs snapped under my feet as I ran relentlessly through the forest listening to Sapnap's footsteps. I took sharp turns, even shifting between forms hoping he would lose me. Unfortunately, all of their games of manhunt seemed to have paid off as he never did seem to lose me.

I continued running as I saw a small cliff; Sapnap had fallen behind enough for me to stop and check my surroundings. The ridge wasn't tall, maybe five or seven feet, enough that Sapnap would jump down it and not look back. Sapnap's loud footsteps broke the silence as I contemplated what to do. Without much thinking, I jumped down and shifted as I hit the ground; quickly, I ran to a small bush as the cliff wall and hid in it.

Sure enough, Sapnap jumped down and continued running off to where he had assumed I ran. A small sigh escaped my lips as he left my sight. I just had to make it back to the SMP without being seen now.

Now with no help from Fundy, I'd have to break into his base. It's unused so he wouldn't mind. I quickly ran through the DreamSMP lands towards the old base.

I shifted back and ran to the old door when I reached the base. The door was starting to deteriorate on the outside. The door no longer worked properly as fallen boards and build-up dirt blocked it.

I pushed away from the boards and dirt, shoving myself in through a small gap. I brushed off the dirt and wood shavings from my (F/C) jacket.

Once I brushed off all the dirt and debris, I looked towards the base. A deep sigh left my mouth as I saw what was in front of me. His base had been abandoned for a reason; it had seemed. He had been in a prank war with some people before the revolution. They had appeared to get into his base. The base was flooded and full of cobwebs and dust, chests were looted, and the torches were all out.

There was a small area that the water had yet to reach, just big enough for me to sleep in. I curled up in the small gap.

This was it; I had nowhere to go, no one to help me, and no one I could trust.

word count: 923


is this chapter extremely late... yes... have I had this chapter written for like 3 weeks now so there's not really any reason for it to be late... again yes. Sorry about the late chapter I've had a chaotic week and was especially distracted this weekend since I was coming back home for Christmas. BUT as an apology y'all are getting two uploads this time, this one and the first chapter of the origins book! I hope you like both chapters and have a happy holidays! 

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