Chapter 24

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Gobber was explaining everything Gothi was writing down but you weren't completely listening. Your mind was screaming different things at you.
"Gothi is really sorry, but there isn't much else we can do, except keep her comfortable and hope she can fight this illness off in her own time." Gobber finishes. Your dad thanks them both but you stay silent as they leave.
You dad shuts the door and he sits back beside you "she'll be okay, she's a tough cookie. just needs lots of rest." He says softly, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, almost engulfing you. He was a bulky man.

You still stayed silent, you didn't even know what to say "do you want to go up and see her?" Your dad asks, you shrug, he nods "I understand. It's hard. Try and get some sleep, I'll be with your mum. Come see her in the morning...shall I call for Hiccup to be with you?"
You shake your head "alright, darling. But if you don't want to be at home, I completely understand. Maybe stay at Astrid's if it's too much."
"No." You whisper "I'll be okay, but I think I'll stay on the sofa."
Your dad nods and heads upstairs and grabs all your blankets and your pillow.
He opens the door to let Spear in who runs over to you, curling his body around you, cooing softly.


You sluggishly open your eyes to the sound of the door opening, your dad walks in with Gothi and Gobber. The three of them whisper and your dad leads Gothi upstairs.
Gobber glances over at you, his face emotionless, you were confused and concerned. Looking outside you notice that the sun was only just starting to rise. Then it clicks. Something must have happened to your mum during the night.
You jump up running towards the stairs but Gobber stops you "Gobber, let me up! I want to see my mum!"
He shakes his head "I'm sorry, lass. Just hold on a moment."
You stare at the top of the stairs for what felt like hours. A shadow walks into view, and your dad stands at the top of the stairs holding his hand out to you.

You slowly walk up the stairs and take his hand. His eyes brimming with tears "dad..."
"I'm sorry, darling."
As those words hit your ears you feel your stomach drops and your legs go weak.
"No, she can't be gone! You said she'd be okay!" You snap, pushing past him into their room. You stand at the door as Gothi pulls the sheet over your mums face.
You felt sick, your stomach churning. Your dad gently pulls you away from the door "she wanted you to have this." He hands you a folded piece of paper. "I wrote down every word she told me last night. I think she knew."
You clutch onto the paper and look up at your dad "we will be okay, I promise you." He smiles at you sadly
"I...I need to be alone." You whisper then run down the stairs, past Gobber and out of the door.


You said alone. But Spear stuck beside you. The two of you walked up to a cliff and sat together, watching the sun rise. You wanted to cry but you couldn't. You had no emotion inside you. It was only empty ness.
You weren't sure how long the two of you had been sat there for, maybe hours but the soft sounds of nature were calming for you.
The two of you head down to the hidden area in the forest where you practised. You slowly take out the piece of paper from your pocket, tracing your finger over the thin martial, wanting to open it but you just couldn't bring yourself to do it.

"(Y/n).." a voice softly calls from behind. You immediately knew who it belonged too but you couldn't turn around.
A pair of hands slowly slide along your sides, joining at your stomach as a warm body presses into your back.
That familiar unique scent fills your nose as you feel the warmth radiate into your cold skin. You slowly sink into the touch, pushing yourself back against the body as much as physically possible, leaning your head back, soft lips and short prickly stubble brush against your sensitive neck, sending shivers shooting down your spine.
You close your eyes and inhale sharply, the grip around your waist tightens and the lips plant themselves gently to your neck.

Losing control (Hiccup x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now