Chapter 6

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Hello again.
This chapter might be a bit boring, I had planned to give it a cliffhanger and tried different potential scenarios for the ending but Every one I typed in I couldn't quite get into 😅 I'm trying to get my head back into writing but it's been difficult, any ideas I type out just don't seem to work the same way they do in my head😂. This chapter was already about 80% completed before the passing happened and I needed some time away, but I decided to get this one out so I can start on the next one with a clean slate and hopefully a better mindset.

Thank you to all of you❤️


"What do you mean, taken her hostage?"
"I mean exactly what I said." Dagur replies "Windshear came back yesterday extremely agitated and alone, it took her a while to calm down. " He explains "if Heather had fallen off or hurt herself Windshear wouldn't leave her side, which makes me certain someone has her."

Hiccup runs his hand through his hair "okay, we need to think of a plan. And quick. Do you have any idea where she could be ?"
"I got nothing, Bro, which is why I need your help." Dagur sighs, Hiccup groans pacing back and forth "we will leave first thing tomorrow." Dagur stands up "and where is that girl? I want to meet her Stryke."
"Dagur that girl is called (y/n) and I don't know where she is. She likes to be alone a lot of the time." Hiccup explains "never mind, Sleuther can find her dragon at least."
"Dagur, no! She's extremely shy. Let me go get her. Wait here." He walks off, leaving Dagur in his house.

Hiccup finally finds you up at Gothi's hut, re arranging some bottles "(y/n)?" You turn to him "hey, what's up?" You rest your hands on your hips "Dagur, that crazy guy you ran into earlier, he's an old friend of mine, his sister too, but we think she's in trouble and he needs our help. Would you come with us?" He asks, you think for a moment "I don't know, Hiccup. I'm not comfortable around new people and Dagur seems..."
"Mental?" He finishes your sentence "he's fine. Don't mind him, it's just his personality...he's very...outspoken."
He takes a few steps closer "are you afraid about your ability?" you nod slowly "you and I both can see how much better you are getting. Gothi and your parents too."
You bite your lip, unsure of what to say "I won't force's just you're an amazing fighter and with Spear the two of you are unstoppable. You're part of our gang now, and I wouldn't want you to miss anything."
"Okay." You whisper "but please don't let Dagur irritate me or Spear."
"Deal." Hiccup laughs "get some rest, we'll be leaving first thing tomorrow morning." He pinches your cheek and leaves.

Early the next morning you were almost ready to go. Spear and Sleuther were getting on surprisingly well. Dagur was overjoyed "he's so loud." Astrid mutters next to you watching Dagur loudly expressing his fondness for his dragons new friend "you never liked him?" You ask, she shrugs "at one point no. He was an enemy, not anymore but sometimes he can just be so annoying, more than Snotlout." She fumes, you chuckle slightly "he seems nice enough." She looks at you "wait until you spend a whole day with him. You'll be wanting a Thunderdrum to roar directly into your ears. Good luck out there though." She nudges you lightly and walks to Stormfly. She wasn't coming due to her granddad being unwell and her parents needing her at home to help care for him. As for the twins, no one could find them anywhere.

You pull your hood up and take off into the sky "ay what's the plan?" Snotlout asks, everyone groans loudly "we've explained it to you 5 times! How can you forget?" Fishlegs sighs "he'll figure it out as he goes along." Hiccup says, flying next to him.
Dagur glides up beside you "can our dragons be best friends?" You scowl at him "oh come on! He's a beauty, not as beautiful as my Strykey...but still a beast!"
You gently tap Spears side with your foot and he picks up his pace, you weren't comfortable with this hyperactive stranger.

Toothless flies above you, turns round and rolls onto his back so Hiccup was facing you upside down "all good?"
"Not bad, won't your helmet fall off?" You raise an eyebrow at him "no, it's a tight fit." He reaches to his head taking it off "you should get one of your own!"
"I'm alright but thanks." You smirk, pressing your palm against his face "now get your fat head out of my way, I can't see in front of me!" You tease, he pouts and Toothless spins round again, laughing.

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