Chapter 17

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Morning came around, you felt refreshed and a lot happier. You hop down the stairs and straight out the door. As soon as you close your door something flies over your head causing you to scream. Someone grabs onto you and drags you into the forest.
You feel ropes being tied around your upper body, you squirm and wriggle trying to escape. The cover over your head is lifted slightly and a rag gets pressed against your face. The smell stinging your eyes, pretty quickly you begin to feel drowsy, your legs wobbled as whatever you were forced to inhale quickly overtook your body.


Hiccup wonders to Gobber's shop "hey, Gobber. You in here?" He calls out, Gobber appears "hello, Hiccup! Lovely day it's been so don't ya think?"
"Yeah, even with winter's been surprisingly sunny today."
"Everything alright, lad?" Gobber asks noticing Hiccup looking worried, he chucks some metal onto the table making a loud crash muttering to himself about sorting it tomorrow , Hiccup winces at the noise "everything's haven't seen (y/n) today by chance have you?" He asks "no, sorry I haven't. Have ye asked your mum?"
"Yeah, she hasn't seen her."
"The other youngsters?"
"They don't know either."
Uhmmmm...random villagers walking past?"
"No one has seen her, Gobber." Hiccup sighs "I'm sure she's alright, probably out flying with Spear and lost track of time like you always do." Gobber says, waving his hand up and down.
"No, Spear is outside." Hiccup replies, Gobber pauses "ah."
Hiccup rubs the back of his neck "I guess she's stressed about the recent situation and is distancing herself again." Gobber looks over his shoulder "she does that?"
"Yeah, she's always been a little distant with people, she grew up not really socialising with anyone so it's normal for her." Hiccup explains "then why are ya worrying?" Gobber questions, raising his eyebrow.
"Huh? I'm not worrying at all."
"Yeah ye are."
"Am not, I'm chill! Tooootally chill."
"I smell denial!"
Hiccup frowns at Gobber who chuckles "nothing wrong with it, lad. She's your girlfriend it's natural to worry about her." He pats the young chiefs back "anyway, you've arrived just at closing time, perfect! You can help me close up!" He chucks some leather at Hiccup who rolls his eyes.


Your eyes slowly open, grogginess fogging your mind as you slowly came around, you look around it not recognising the blurry surroundings. After a few seconds your eyes finally focus and now you were certain you didn't recognise anything.
"Ah, you're awake." That voice, you shakily sit up and lock eyes with a familiar pair of bright blue ones.
your heart drops to your stomach "I couldn't leave without you." He says, his voice was surprisingly soft "I know it's crazy, but I felt a connection as soon as I first spoke to you, you can't see it at the moment, but I will show you that we are destined to be together."
You scoff at him "Gregory, face reality. I'm not interested in you, I love Hiccup. Why can't you accept that?" You ask, trying not to show any fear "because it's not true!" He suddenly snaps, you flinch "stupid young love, means nothing! He's a chief, he can't give you the time and effort I can!" He stands up and starts pacing around, you notice your hand was attached to a rope, great.

You take a deep breath "Gregory, please." He faces you "please what?"
"J-just let me go, I swear Hiccup won't do anything to you! You know you weren't supposed to come back to Berk!"
Gregory chuckles "but I did, but honestly I didn't fully leave, I'm sneaky like that. I did it just for you." You gulp and back up against the wall as he comes closer. He brushes his finger across your lips, his eyes piercing into your soul.
"Now, just relax."


Hiccup stares blankly in front of him as he and Toothless glide through the sky. He didn't sleep much, tossing and turning all night, repeatedly kicking Toothless in his side. Toothless looks up at his rider and shakes "huh, what?" Hiccup snaps out of his daze and looks around then down at Toothless who gives him a look "I'm sorry, bud." Hiccup takes his helmet off, placing it between his legs and rubs his eyes.
The pair had been flying for a while, Toothless sniffs the air and something catches his attention. He carefully scans through the clouds below and spots what looked like a very small village, he gestures at Hiccup but gets no response, he had leant back and was now laying down along the dragons back, staring up, once again lost in his thoughts. Toothless snarls and kicks his lower body up pushing Hiccup back up to sitting "what?" Toothless points his head towards the small village below "wait, how long have we been flying? Never seen that village before, let's check it out, but be alert." Toothless dives down.

Losing control (Hiccup x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now