Chapter 31

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"Alright people, let's goooo!" Snotlout yells with extreme enthusiasm as he fist pumps the air. Hookfang rolling his eyes below him. You gulp and climb up onto Spear's back. Hiccup walks over to you, helmet in his hands "just follow my lead. You'll be great." He says, you nod uncertainly and he puts his helmet on then runs over to Toothless "ok gang. Ships aren't too far away. Let's rescue the dragons." He calls and takes off, the rest of the gang following after him.

You don't follow straight away. Taking a moment, debating if you really wanted to go. Shaking your head you gesture Spear to fly and the two of you quickly catch up with the others.

Hiccup explains the plan and everyone splits into two groups. You hover above the ship with Fishlegs and the twins, keeping an eye out while Hiccup, Snotlout and Astrid close in.
Hiccup had asked you if you wanted to kick some trappers butts, the plan he had explained not long after was a more sneaky approach. Creep on board, set the dragons free and flee, but you had heard the twins expressing their excitement about blowing the ship up so you weren't really sure what the actual plan was so you were just going to go with whatever everyone else was doing.
"Keep firm eyes on down below." Fishlegs says, focusing on the others as they fly down.

Toothless peers his head over the edge of the ship, Hiccup mirroring him, eyes scanning the scene around them both "alright, bud. No sudden movement, slow and sneaky." Hiccup whispers. Toothless scoffs at him "I know you already know. Just making sure!" Hiccup sighs, ignoring his dragons deep glare.
Toothless lifts his rider up and onto the deck before lowering himself back down. Hiccup makes a signal to Astrid and she nods, hopping over the side and quickly running to a hiding spot.
Hiccup spots one of the cages and creeps forward, he unlocks it and the two dragon's inside quickly run out and take off. "Ok, that was easy." Hiccup thinks to himself "almost too easy." He realises he was yet to see any guards that were usually walking around. It was strange. He looks over to Astrid as she peeks her head over the barrels she was hiding behind, also wondering where the guards where.
Hiccup knew they had to be careful. It could be an ambush. They could be cornered at any moment.

He stands cautiously, listening for any kind of movement but it was eerily quiet minus the cries of the captured dragons and creaks of the ship. He then hears a faint "psh" noise, it was a signal and he knew exactly what to do. He waits a few seconds before swinging his body around flame sword in hand, smacking someone on the side of their head sending them flying.
It was a Hunter, he slams into the side of the dock groaning in pain. Hiccup stares at him for a few seconds then shakes his head "when will you lot learn?"

Two more men come charging towards him and he whistles, Toothless lands beside him snarling causing the guards to halt, shoes screeching against the wood. Hiccup takes off his helmet and smirks at them, holding his sword up again, he begins fighting off the guards, Astrid runs over, helping to fend them off. This was Snotlout's signal to creep to all the cages and set the dragons free. Still sulking about not being in on the action and being stuck on the sidelines.
He mutters to himself as he opens more cages, Hookfang next to him, on guard.

Hiccup puts his helmet back on spinning around to see a much larger man approaching, he picks up his pace and charges at the smaller man, tackling him to the ground, pinning him down "I am sick of you riders!" He sneers into Hiccup's ear, his grip tight making Hiccup hiss in pain "we will...never give up. You'll" He wheezes. The man pushes Hiccup's head to the floor. Toothless roars and charges but is held down by a net that drops on top of him. Astrid runs to attack but another guard stops her grabbing onto her arms.

You look down at the sight. Something inside of you snaps and you signal Spear to fly down. He does so. Circling around the ship, he flies up again and you jump off his back. Holding your axe above your shoulder as you fall down, screaming. You swing the axe, slamming the blade into the man's shoulder, he yells in pain, letting go of Hiccup who quickly scrambles to his feet and pulls the netting off Toothless. You land on the dock with a thud. After a few seconds you look up through your hair as the man stumbles around. Axe firmly imbedded into his flesh. A small feeling of satisfaction was felt.
Hiccup grabs onto some rope, Toothless holds the other end with his mouth. Hiccup pushes the man against a pillar and wraps the rope around his body, tying it tightly.

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