Chapter 27

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"Hmmmm....yes...aha! Fascinating!"
"Tuffnut...shut up."
"Quite the plan indeed, ooooo!"

"This is hardly a plan...more of an idea." You say as you finish drawing in the dirt, Hiccup looks it over "ah, I see what you're saying."
"I don't." Ruffnut chimes in "how can you not?" Snotlout questions "she literally explained it as she was drawing it out."

You stand up dusting the dirt from your knees and turn to Hiccup "so, what's your thoughts? You're the main brain around here." He glances at the floor then back at you "it can definitely work."
"Only issue is. We are running out of time and more of the fireworms are appearing every minute." Fishlegs says.
"Can't we just shoot them with water? Y'know. Scare them off." Tuffnut suggests "we are trying to help them migrate without burning Berk down. Not hurt or piss them off." Astrid tsks.

"Okay, everyone to their places." Hiccup instructs
"Snotlout, Hookfang. Gather up as many Monstrous nightmares as you can find."
"On it!" The pair take off. You pat Spear's side and look at Hiccup. He smiles and nods then puts his helmet on. Spear goes into air.

Fireworms appeared to be scared of other dragons fire, so the plan was to try and divert them so they flew over Berk instead of through it. Monstrous Nightmares were the best dragons for that. So while Snotlout and Hookfang gathered them, the rest of you needed to buy some more time and try to start the diversion.

You fly towards them, making sure you were below the group. Spear start shooting his shots at short range to encourage them to fly upwards. The rest of the gang doing the same and it seemed to be working. But there were thousands of these small dragons and you knew your dragons had a limited amount of shots at one time.

Hookfang flies over, followed by 5 other Monstrous Nightmares. "Light it up!" Snotlout shouts. Hookfang and two others set themselves alight and fly towards the group, herding them around. The other three shooting short range flames. the Fireworms to trying to dodge.
It took a few minutes but soon the group were past Berk and carrying on their way. You sigh in relief.
"That was so much easier than the last time." Fishlegs beams as you all land back down "good idea (y/n)!" He turns to you smiling widely, you return it. Hiccup walks up to you "how did you know they were scared of other dragons flames?"

"I didn't for sure. But if you think about it. Dragons use their fires to fend off enemies, each species has different types. So they're probably weary of others. They may have powerful heat protected scales but there's always the chance they could get injured." You explain. Hiccup hmms in interest "and you said I was the brains around here." He flops his arm around your shoulder "anyway." You pat his back "me and Spear will do a final patrol to make sure none of them got left behind and then we're calling it a night."

You slide from Hiccup's grip and jump onto Spear "good work today." You praise to your dragon, he purrs happily then flies up.
After you were satisfied there were no more fireworms you fly back to your house to see Hiccup stood by the door, seemingly waiting for you.

"Hey. What's up?" You ask, jumping down from Spear "just wanted to say goodnight." He replies walking towards you taking your hands into his "you were great."
"No more than the rest of you." You chuckle, a deep blush rising on your cheeks "you came up with the theory about Fireworms being scared of other dragons fire. And it was a correct one."

"True." You say, clicking your tongue. He smiles that smile. The one he did when he was truly happy and content, and you knew he could never fake that look.
"What?" You giggle, he lets go of your hands and holds your waist pulling you in so your chests were touching, him leaning over you slightly faces just inches apart. "just admiring you." He says, you stifle a laugh. "cheesy."
"Romantic actually."

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