Chapter 35

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You sat on one of the seats surrounding the main arena watching people getting to work on the arena upgrades, you weren't entirely sure what they were doing, all you'd seen so far was arguing, a wall knocked down and that was about it.
You were curious as to what was actually being done. Asking Hiccup was an option but at this moment in time you'd have better luck finding an island full of Night Furies.
You still hadn't seen much of him. He was always busy all day and you were out flying on your own or with some of the gang until late so your schedules never merged together.

Sighing to yourself you stand up and walk back to the centre of Berk. It was pretty busy, people everywhere. But despite all the bodies walking around, your eyes fall onto one particular person standing with a group of men, arms folded across his chest as he half listened to the conversation. As if he could feel your stare, he looks over at you, his face instantly lighting up.
Eret follows his gaze and pushes Hiccup forward, what was that guys problem? You glare at him to which he looks away and continues walking. Your glares were pretty intimidating, and they clearly made Eret nervous, which you got a small kick out of.
You watch the group walk away, Hiccup abruptly stops and turns to Eret and starts seemingly explaining something to him. You couldn't see Eret's face but judging from the arm gestures he wasn't pleased, and Hiccups face was getting more annoyed by the second. Some villagers turn heads as they walked past. The men must be arguing.
Valka then comes over and steps a between them.

Hiccup raises his arms in surrender and quick walks over to you, Eret starts shouting at Hiccup but he ignores him, taking your hand and pulling you away with him.
"Shhh, come with me."
"Don't really have a choice. You're gripping onto my hand pretty hard."
"No need for sarcasm."

You climb onto Toothless, Hiccup gets on in front of you "go bud!" He says. Toothless takes off quickly, you fall back a bit and grab onto the side of Hiccup's tunic to pull yourself back up, he wasn't wearing his suit today surprisingly. Spear follows close behind.
"Hiccup, where are we going?" You ask, he looks over his shoulder and forces a smile "away from here."

Toothless lands at a distant island on a beach, Hiccup jumps off, takes your hand and helps you down, you straighten out your skirt, look up and see Hiccup already heading to the ocean edge, you look at Toothless who shrugs.
You follow and stand beside Hiccup whom was staring out at the ocean, you gaze at him. His face was sunken, lips folded into a frown, eyebrows furrowed. Yep, something was up.

You move your hand and press it against his, you feel his fingers move so they could lock together with yours, you softly brush his skin with your thumb.
He lets out a long sigh and you clear your throat "what's going on?"
He doesn't take his eyes off the ocean "hiccup?"
"I said, what's going on?"

You roll your eyes "look me in the eyes and say that again." He turns around and walks up the beach a bit and sits down, knees tucked up to his chest, you place your hands on your hips "so you drag me out here, hardly seen you in weeks, and all I get is the silent treatment?"
He rests his head on his knees, your arms falls down, ok that was a bit harsh. He clearly wasn't happy with something. you go over to him and lower down onto your knees in front of him "Hiccup..."
He looks up through his fringe and you offer him a small smile to which he returns, but it only last a few seconds before the frown quickly replaces it.
"Talk to me. What's on your mind?"
He tugs his bottom lip with his teeth, like he was nervous "I think I'm just tired."
You knew there was more to it, you could read him like a book "I've noticed Eret has been really keeping you on your toes. And away from me." You whisper, Hiccup lowers his legs and holds his arm out, you shuffle over to him and curl into his side, his arm holds onto you firmly, he kisses the top of your head then leans his against yours "I'm sorry that I haven't seen you much the last few weeks."
"You're a busy man."
"Yeah, but's been a bit...extreme."
You sigh softly and close your eyes "I knew what I was signing up for, being the chief's girlfriend."
He chuckles slightly as he repeats your sentence "signed up for."
"I mean. You've got a lot of duties, responsibilities."

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