Chapter 26

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Quite a long one, this one. Oops.


Despite how it seemed. Toothless's tail wasn't just designed for Hiccup's prosthetic. He knew there would be times where he wasn't able to fly so someone else would need too.
Tucked underneath the prosthetic slot was the original pedal Hiccup used when he first made the tail control 5 years ago.
He'd upgraded it since and added it onto the saddle...just in case.

And times like now. It was needed. All someone had to do was unfold the pedal and click it into place next to the prosthetic slot. It was made so when the pedal was unfolded. The prosthetic slot wasn't needed.
You've always been so impressed with Hiccup's creativity and how good he was at all things mechanical. He was just 15 when he made a fully functioning tail .

You'd been flying Toothless for three days now and you loved it. You were practising locking Toothless's tail then jumping onto Spear so Toothless could fly on his own.
It went pretty well, as long as you were high up and gliding. Turning and diving wasn't quite there yet. Some tweeks still needed making.

You click Toothless's tail into place and unclip yourself from the saddle and lift yourself up so you were knelt on his back "okay, you ready?" You ask Toothless, he nods and you jump as high as you could into the air, opening your arms as the wind carried you along. You face your palms down and shoot a force, which keeps you up a bit longer, you then begin diving down. Luckily you brought your helmet so the harsh wind wasn't pounding against your skin.
As you see the ocean getting closer, you make a signal and Spear swoops in and you land on his back. Toothless expands his wingspan and glides up. You re adjust yourself on Spear and the three of you fly smoothly with the wind.
After a few moments Spear glides closer so you can jump back onto Toothless and the three of you go up into the higher clouds again.

You lay along Toothless's back and inhale deeply, taking in the fresh air. You'd been out flying a lot more since Hiccup got sick. More than you realised. Yesterday you were gone for the entire day, much to your father displease. He always worried about you when you vanished for extended periods of time. But you re assured him you were fine.

Landing back at Berk you hop off Toothless "better go see the chief." You say to him, scratching his chin then turning to Spear pressing your head to his snout.
Toothless bounces inside the house. Immediately curling up next to the fire contently, Spear joining him.

You tip toe up the stairs, feeling slightly guilty for not coming to check up on him very often. But he was probably too spaced out to realise.
You creak the door open and peek your head in. Hiccup was sat up, Valka giving him some water then wiping his face to which he groans, trying to shoo her way.
You lean against the doorframe and chuckle. Valka looks over her shoulder and smiles "been enjoying the extra flying?"
"Just a little bit." You reply, she laughs "we've noticed. You and Hiccup are very similar indeed. He's got a habit of disappearing, haven't you?" She turns to her son who frowns, you smirk and walk over to them "how's the patient?"
"Stubborn." Valka replies as she takes the now empty cup from Hiccup's hands.

He sighs and shuffles back down under the fur, covering his face "seems more frustrated to me." You say. "You're talking like I'm not here." He muffles from under the blanket, you and Valka look at each other, she shakes her head and stands up "well, I've got some errands to do. See you later. Son."

No response.

She tsks and walks out of the room. You peel the cover from his face "okay, spill. What's grinding your gears?"
He doesn't say anything for a moment, you offer him a sympathetic smile. He sighs again (probably for the 100th time in the last hour) and slowly sits back up. You grab another pillow and place it behind his head, he leans back against it and closes his eyes for a moment, opens them and looks at you sadly.

Losing control (Hiccup x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now