Chapter 2

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"Hello dear!" Your mother greets as you walk into your house "hey." You mumble, she raises an eyebrow "what's that face for?"
"Funny story, found Hiccup today, him and Toothless had a fall, he cut open his leg, I fixed it up and helped him get home." You explain, sitting at the table "just tired."
"Very nice of you to help him." She beams "he's the chief, mum. I wasn't exactly going to leave him to bleed out."
"What about your power?"
"No problems."
"Oh I'm glad." She leans over hugging you "darling, don't be so down about it and stop letting it get in the way of making friends, I'm sure the chief is very grateful, plus he's your age and loves to go out flying with his friends, maybe you can join them!"
"I doubt it, mum." You say sadly "but you're learning to control your power a lot better recently, you only lose control really when you get upset or angry." She kneels in front of you "you're our baby girl, me and your father both love you no matter what. But you can't hide with us forever, you need to spread your wings and believe in yourself more."

Your mother's words rang in your head as you climbed into your bed, Spear curls up on the floor next to you. Maybe she was right. But trust had to be built. Time would decide if you ever could be truly happy.

Early the next morning, you slump downstairs, Spear glued to your side "oh I'm glad you're up!" Your father calls from the other room "you've been requested to go to the chief, he's apparently been struggling with his bandages." He chuckles, you roll your eyes, great.
"Honey, can you pass the grinder please?" Your mum calls "I got it, dad." You stare at the grinder, it slowly lifts and follows your trail of sight to your mums hands "thank you (y/n) now get going! And make sure you eat breakfast!"

You walk out of your door and towards Hiccup's house, shoulders slouched, kicking rocks in your path. When you arrive, Spear runs forward jumping up and down with Toothless who had just been climbing on the roof, You crack a small smile as you approach the door.
You knock gently and hear a faint "come in." Taking a deep breath you step in, Hiccup looks up from his book and smiles "hi!"
"Do you always wear your hood up?" He asks, you glare at him "sorry, stupid question, that's your look." He says sheepishly "how's the leg?" You kneel down in front of him, completely changing the topic "stiff and sore, it's pretty hard to sleep." He replies "this wrapping is completely fine." You point out, looking at him suspiciously "ah yeah, well...I uh..." he stutters, rubbing the back of his neck "whoever has been cleaning and wrapping this is doing a fine job." You being un wrapping again, examining the wound "looks as neat as a gaping gash gets."
"That's my mum!" Hiccup laughs, you stare at him as he laughs, the crinkles by his eyes, the way he leans his head back slightly, you shake your head and carry on with what you were doing.

You finish, wash your hands and start placing your things back into your bag "(Y/n)..." Hiccup speaks softly, you don't look at him "I know I've said this already but thank you. You were a life saver."
"A chief protects his own, and his own also protect him." You reply, he tilts his head "it's probably not my place as we don't know each other, but are you alright?"
You finally look up, gazing deep into his eyes, he looked genuinely concerned "I...I can't tell you". You say sadly, hanging your head in shame, pulling your hood further over your eyes "I understand, but...I really would like to be your friend."
Your breath catches in your throat at his words "friends?"
"Yeah! me and the gang would love to have another rider with us." He exclaims happily "your dragon is pretty badass, and you seem it too."
"You haven't seen me fight."
"Not yet."
You smile at him for the first time, maybe having him as your first proper friend wouldn't be so bad. You push your hood down, letting your long hair fall down your shoulders "there she is!" He shouts, you roll your eyes at him and stand up "I expect you'll want me to dress your leg again this evening?" You cross your arms, smirking.
"Why yes I would."

"Alright then." You shuffle about in your bag, taking a few herbs out attached to some string and hand them to him "what's this for?" He asks "to help you sleep, it's a relaxer. Put it around your neck tonight it just makes you sleepy, the aroma is pretty strong though so make sure you are laying down before you use it." You reply.
"You do pay attention. I didn't think you heard me mention I couldn't sleep." He chuckles followed by a loud yawn. You take the herb necklace from his hands and tie it gently round his neck "I'd say I'm more....always prepared. I've had an similar injury myself, Gothi showed me these, I know it can be hard to get comfy and rest well. And it seems like you need it now." You whisper, helping him shuffle down and get comfortable, draping a fur blanket over him.
"Thank you." He whispers "I'll see you later, and I'll bring another necklace too just in case that one wears off." You say, lightly slapping his cheek, making him scrunch up his nose.

Losing control (Hiccup x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now