Chapter 43

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An awkward silence fills the room the second those words left Hiccup's lips. Gobber raises his arm and smacks Hiccup round the back of his head with his wooden hand "sometimes I swear there's nothing between those ears of yours!" He scolds "there's no way are you doing that."
Hiccup rubs the sore spot on his head while groaning.
"Gobber!" You shout, stepping in front of Hiccup, Gobber shakes his head "don't tell me you agree with him? I know Hiccup has a habit of taking off without planning things through but I didn't expect this from you too."
"Did you not hear what Eret said? They kill every dragon they see. You'd be flying them into a death trap!"
Valka places her hand on Gobbers shoulder "maybe we need to take a step back and go over this again."
Gobber huffs in annoyance "I'm just being reasonable here. It doesn't matter how skilled you are at avoiding traps and what not. They will kill your dragons with no remorse."

"We can talk to them." Hiccup says, Gobber raises his hand again and the chief winces "or maybe not."
"Talking to these bad people doesn't always work, sometimes it makes things worse. You should know that." He states, Hiccup's face completely drops. Ouch. Everyone knew what Gobber was referencing too. Without saying a word, Hiccup quickly leaves.
"Nice one, Gobber." You sigh "there was no need to bring Stoick's death into this."
Gobber crosses his arms "it came out worse than intended."
You glare at him and walk out of the house to see Hiccup leaning against Toothless's side. He looks over his shoulder as you approach "Hiccup..."
"I'm sorry." He says, slight crack in his voice "I just needed to leave." He sounded exhausted. You nod in understanding, he holds onto the saddle, seemingly debating what he was doing.
"If you need to be alone, I'll give you your space." You say, he shakes his head, you stare at him for a moment then he holds his hand out, you take it, allowing him to guide you somewhere. Toothless bounces ahead with Spear, the two of them nudging each other playfully.

You arrive at Hiccup's house and follow him inside, he immediately walks to the sofa and plops down. You add more wood to the fire then sit beside him "Gobber didn't mean it."
"He's not wrong though is he?"
He curls his fingers"Dad said to who kill without reason, cannot be reasoned with...why didn't I listen?"
He grips harder onto the fabric of his suit covering his knees, pulling at it. Tensing his shoulders. "My stubbornness overshadowed his logic."
he buries his head in his hands and you sink into the seat "you had no way of knowing it would happen."

He hmms, running his hands down his face then resting them under his chin "the world wants peace...why are people so cruel?"
You sigh softly "as harsh at it sounds. it's how they make a living. And I  guess that a lot of trappers are raised into it. Sometimes forced. It can be the only world they know. No empathy, but that's not always their fault."
He turns to you "are you defending them?"
"No. All I'm saying is the way we are brought up has a major impact on who we become. The world we know is different from the trappers. I'd never defend those monsters. I just..." you feel his gaze burning into you "forget it."
You stand up but he grabs ahold of your sleeve "no, wait."

You stare into his wide eyes for a few seconds then sit back down "I'm sorry Hiccup...but there's some battles that even you know deep down we can't beat."
Hiccup's breath catches in his throat, you were right, no one knew where the trappers were, they were most likely extremely armed and skill-full, and Odin knows how many participants.
"We can't underestimate them. We have to be smarter." You say, he nods slowly "you're right. If they ever come here. We will do everything to stop them."

The evening air sent a chill up your spine as you walked towards Gobber's shop hoping to find Eret.
You spot him carrying a large bucket of metal scraps and approach "hey, Eret." He looks over his shoulder "oh!" He places the bucket down "what's up?"
"I was curious about the trappers you mentioned earlier." You say quietly, he arches an eyebrow "you're not seriously thinking of going to find them are you? Your dragons would get slaughtered in seconds."
You cross your arms "no, but it would be helpful to know as much as possible. Try to get the upper hand just in case, y'know."
He stays silent for a moment then clears his throat "I told you everything I know."
"I'm guessing they worked with Drago?"
"So...they're smart?"
"Quite smart. They were one of Drago's many Ally's but they were very good at keeping their identity's hidden. They're quick, sly and" He walks towards you and pats your shoulder "I'm saying this as a friend. Don't look for them. They're not worth risking you and your dragons lives over." He brushes past and disappears into the shop.

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