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sooooo its been a real long time since ive updated, i was 18 when i started writing this story and im now 20. please comment/vote/fan i would like some feedback on my story as i just dont know wether to give up writing or carry on, enjoy and much love xx

I awoke the next morning to the sound of someone walking around my room. I opened my eyes and saw Damon drying himself off with a towel. I watched him as he wrapped his towel around his waist and began walking into the closet for some clothes. A few seconds later he came back out wearing only boxer shorts and about to pull on some off black jeans. He stole a glance at me and I shut my eyes quickly and hoped he didn't see that I was awake so I could continue staring at him. He fascinates me.

"I know you're awake" he laughed.

"Am not" I scoffed back and regretted saying it because now he definitely knows I'm awake.

"Kat you don't need to perve on me I'm all yours" I heard his voice steadily getting closer. I opened my eyes again to see he was stood in front of me wearing his jeans, still with no shirt on and his hands on his hips.

"I was soooooo not perving!" I stated and ungracefully half fell out of bed as I tried to get up. Of course he caught me and helped me up.

"You're still weak" he stated matter of factly. "Get dressed, my parents will be here soon, I'll go get breakfast and bring it up" he pulled on a plain black t-shirt that showed all his muscles in the right way and left the room.

I smiled at the memory of yesterday and how delighted I was over the idea of using my parent's wedding rings as our own. He really seemed to like the idea and that made me happy too. I quickly showered and dressed and started to do my make up as Damon walked back into the room carrying two glasses of blood. He handed one to me as he took a sip of his own and leaned against the wall next to the mirror I was sat in front of.

"You were gone for a long time" I pouted.

"Yeah I know, I'm sorry, I had to go to the cellar for the blood. We've just had a new delivery in" he smiled apologetically at me and I couldn't help but smile back.

I drained my glass and set it down on the table. I went back to doing my make up while Damon drank his blood, but I couldn't help but notice he kept glancing at me nervously. As I finished my make up I sighed.

"What's wrong?" I asked and turned to look at him square in the face. He immediately looked away from me then reluctantly looked back at me. He set his now empty glass down and ran his hand through his hair.

"When I went to get breakfast I ran into Arianne on the way down" he paused and looked at me. "There's a problem but we can talk about it when my parents get here"

I nodded ok because he had a look on his face that said 'please don't push this'. He kissed the top of my head and grabbed my hand squeezing it gently as he led me out of our bedroom. We walked almost the entire length of the castle until we came to a living room. We stepped inside and sat down on a sofa. I hadn't been in this room before. There was a white wooden coffee table in the centre of the room with two 3 seater sofas either side, one of which we were sat on. Damon had an arm around me and his other hand held one of mine. We sat in silence for a few minutes just enjoying each others company until Gabe opened the door and entered, followed by Liz.

"Kat dear!" Liz exclaimed as she looked me over. I wiggled out of Damon's arms and stood to hug her.

"You look well dear. How are you feeling?" she looked at me, holding me at arms length concerned like she does at Damon when she worries about him. I knew what she was really asking. Was I okay after the last two weeks events? I wasn't too sure myself.

"I'm getting there" I replied and she let me go.

Gabe hugged me too and sat with Liz on the sofa opposite Damon and me.

Damon shifted uncomfortably as he looked at his mother and I sat back down and allowed him to put his arm around me again.

"We are sorry we're late, we saw Arianne on the way up" Gabe said as he pulled a face. Something told me he didn't like her too much either.

"Yes, I have already spoken to her this morning" Damon replied as he glanced at me out of the corner of his eye.

"Judging from that look you haven't told Kat yet?" Liz asked Damon. He shook his head at her. Liz sighed and walked over to the window a few feet away from us.

"The wolves don't want to co operate with your marriage... I think they need some kind of reassurance that you can both handle your commitments" she glanced at Damon and I before turning back to the window. Her face gave nothing away, only that she deep in thought.

"I think you two should pay them a visit" Gabe piped up "Show them you two can really work things out, keep the peace" he stated.

"That's a suicide mission" Damon said angrily.

"Son it's the only way to stop a full on war breaking out! They really aren't happy about this and god knows how this will end if you do not try to keep the peace!" Gabe argued back.

"Your fathers right dear, a full blown war is not good for our kingdom it's the last thing we need. It's good for you two to be seen together too not to mention a good start to your responsibility and to show your commitment to the kingdom" Liz was still gazing out of the window.

"It's settled then. We will arrange for you to go in approximately 6 weeks time" Gabe stood and called for Liz to leave.

"Congratulations on setting a date for the wedding" they both smiled and left.

I sat there a little shocked at the events. Damon kissed my cheek and pulled me close to him and sighed. His usual relaxed embrace was now tense and stiff. Neither of us liked this one little bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2013 ⏰

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