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Damon, Hayden and i were sat watching true blood season 2. I hadn't said anything to them since Hayden explained the legend to me. They both gave up trying to talk to me but they wouldn't let me out of their sight either. I have to admit it's flattering they want me around but i just wanted to be alone. I needed time to think. After at least an hour and a half Damon turned the dvd off while Hayden stretched and yawned.

"Bed time!" Damon yawned and came to kneel in front of me.

"You gonna walk or am i gonna carry ya?" he asked me. He smiled but it didn't quite reach his eyes. I didn't say anything. He sighed and picked me up bridal style and carried me out of the room towards our room with my head on his shoulder.

"Hey Damon why don't you let Kat sleep on her own tonight? Give her some space and let her think then talk about things in the morning" Hayden asked as he opened the door to mine and Damons room. Damon looked back and forth between me and Hayden a few times. Damon set me on the bed and he looked at Hayden. I got up and headed towards the bathroom.

"Hey, where are you going?" Damon asked sounding worried. I turned to face him with a blank expression.

"Bathroom if that's okay with you?" i asked in a monotone voice. He gave one nod and i went into the bathroom. I shut the door, locked it and stood with my back against it. After a few seconds i slid down to the floor and pulled my knees up to my chest resting my arms on the top and began to cry. I could hear Damon and Hayden talking in the other room.

"I can't leave her alone, she's like a zombie. I think she might be in shock" i heard Damon say.

"Well maybe it would do her some good to be left alone for a few hours. She can think for a while. We'll only be in the room next door so if she needs us we're right there" Hayden replied.

"I don't know Hay, you saw her, she's been through enough the last few days. We should have put off telling her" i heard Damon sigh.

I got up from the floor and went to the bathroom mirror. I had mascara and liner smudged down my cheeks and my green eyes were a little red around the edge. I got some makeup wipes from under the counter and took off what was left of the mascara, liner and foundation. I pulled my hair into a pony tail and washed my face. Once i was sure they wouldn't be able to tell i'd been crying i left the bathroom. As soon as i opened the door they both stopped talking to look at me. I didn't look back and went straight to the closet. I put on a black tank top and some smal red shorts. I left the closet and shut the door quietly behind me. Hayden wasn't in the room any more and Damon was waiting for me on the end of our bed. I got in and propped myself against the huge cushions.

"Do you want me to leave you alone tonight?" Damon asked me. He had an unreadable expression on his face. He didn't know if it was best to leave me alone for a while or stay just to make sure if i was okay. I nodded yes but i held my arms out to him for a hug to reassure him i would be fine. He got up and hugged me tight. We stayed like that for a few minutes before he reluctantly let go. He gently stroked the side of my face and kissed my head.

"Goodnight kitten, i'll be in the next room if you need me" he whispered and left me alone. I lay awake for a few hours with his sad eyes stuck in my head. I knew it hurt him to see me like this. I didn't understand the whole soul mates bond thing but it affected us both significantly since we'd known each other for a few days. I can't live like this. My whole life has been turned into a mess in the matter of a few days. I got up and went to the closet. I got dressed into black skinny jeans and a white tank top with white high tops. I put a few clothes in a backpack, along with my makeup. I went to the bathroom and stuck my tooth brush in my bag, and crept down the hall. I tip toed down the stairs and slid out the door shutting it as quietly as i could. As soon as i closed the door i put my backpack on and began to jog down the drive and down to the end of the road. Even though i'd been out of the house with Damon a few times i'd never remembered going out here. Everything was different and it wasn't just because it was dark. I'd ran out of Damon's house before and i had come to a fork in the road. This road went straight on and into some woods. I shook off the feeling that this was all wrong and carried on occasionally looking back to see if i was being followed. I stumbled along the dirt path in the woods even though i could see pretty well. After a few hours the sun started to rise. The sky went from black to blue enabling me to see clearly.

***Damons POV***

Hayden and i stayed in the room next to Kat's. I hated leaving her when she looked so sad but she wanted to be alone and i let her. We were playing mario on the wii. Of course i was winning and Hayden was accusing me of cheating.

"You know i really do think your cheating. Your too good to be playing like any normal person" Hayden taunted. I rolled my eyes at him as i beat him again. He sighed and set down the controller as he sat down.

"I give up! You win! Tell me your secrets!!!!" he half yelled. I laughed at him, setting my own controller down and sat down next to him.

"I was not cheating! You just can't play properly" i laughed.

"I can play fine thank you very much! But you definately cheat! I didn't win once and we've been playing for hours!" he replied. I just laughed at him again. I noticed the sky was getting lighter outside so we must have been up pretty much all night.

"I think we should have some breakfast" Hayden announced as he stood up. I nodded in agreement and followed him out of the room.

"Hey Hayden, give me a sec im just gonna check on Kat" i told him. He shrugged and leaned against the wall in the hall with his arms folded. I opened the door to my room and looked over at the bed. Kat wasn't there. I went over to the bathroom but she wasn't in there either. I checked the closet too but she definately wasn't there. Some of her clothes were missing too, even her makeup.

I began to panick.

"HAYDEN!!!" i yelled. Within seconds Hayden was in the room. He gave me a 'what' look.

"Kat isn't here" i said, voice shaking.

"So maybe she couldn't sleep and went to have breakfast too" he said in a 'duhh' voice.

"She hasn't gone to get breakfast, some of her clothes are missing as well as her makeup... I think she's ran away" i said and looked at him. We both had shocked expressions.

"SHIT" he yelled and legged it out the door.