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The whole evening Damon and i sat watching movies and eating sweets. We ate dinner and walked back to our room. Damon sat on the bed and i walked to the closet looking for my guitar. I couldnt find it and i couldnt remember if i even had it here. I came out of the closet and started looking around the room.

"What have you lost?" Damon asked me watching me move things around the room to see if i could find it.

"My guitar" i replied as i went over to where my empty suitcases were stood against one of the walls with a pile of clothes on top. I moved the clothes to the floor and sighed in defeat thinking that it would have been hidden there.

"Did you bring it with you?" he asked me.

"I dont know, and since i never unpacked my stuff and was in a car crash i cant even remember if i did bring it or not" i replied.

"Come with me, i want to show you something" he said and grabbed my hand pulling me down the hall.

"Where are we going? Because seriously, nothing but a guitar is going to make me feel better right now" i warned him. He just ignored me and carried on. We came to a stop outside a door and he turned to look at me.

"I think that this will make you feel better" he said smiling at me. He opened the door and lead me in. The room was massive, with cream coloured walls and a cream carpet. The whole room was filled with instruments. There was a black piano sitting in a corner, a few guitars, acoustic and electric, violins, even a drum kit.

"This is so freakin cool!" i said feeling really excited. Damon looked at me and gestured for me to go ahead. I didnt need telling twice so i went over to the row of acoustic guitars picked one up and sat on the floor gently plucking at the strings. Damon came and sat beside me and watched me as i played.

"Can you sing?" he asked me. I looked at him for a few seconds unsure of what to say. No one had ever heard me sing.

"I dont know" i answered honestly. "No one has ever heard me sing"

"Well how about you sing me a song?" he asked. His whole face lit up with excitement as he watched me.

"I guess i could but you have to turn around... I wont be able to sing if you watch me" i told him blushing a little embarrassed. He shuffled roung so his back was to me.

I started plucking the strings again into a different tune to the one i played before.

"I stare at my reflection in the mirror

Why am i doing this to myself?

Losing my mind on a tiny error

I nearly left the real me on the shelf

no no no no no..."

"Dont lose who you are in the blur of the stars

Seeing is decieving, dreaming is believing

Its okay not to be okay

Sometimes its hard, to follow your heart

Tears dont mean your losing, everybodys bruising

Just be true to who you are

Who you are"

"Brushing my hair do i look perfect?

I forgot what to do to fit the mould yeah

The more i try the less its working yeah yeah yeah"

I sang getting louder and really pushed some feeling into the words closing my eyes carefully plucking the strings of the guitar.

"Cause everything inside me screams no no no

Dont lose who you are, in the blur of the stars

Seeing is decieving, dreaming is believing

Its okay not to be okay

Sometimes its hard to follow your heart

But tears dont mean your losing, everybodys bruising

Theres nothing wrong with who you are"

I sang the next verse like a rap.

"Yes, no, egos

Fake shows, like woah

Just go and leave me alone

Real talk, real life

Good love goodnight

With a smile thats my home

Thats my home"

I sang the last line softly. I then sang the last verse with my eyes closed pushing the emotion into it as best as i could.

"Dont lose who you are in the blur of the stars

Seeing is decieving, dreaming is believing

Its okay not to be okay

Sometimes its hard to follow your heart

Tears dont mean your losing, everybodys bruising

Just be true to who you are

Who you are"

I sang the last two lines quietly and opened my eyes.

Damon was sat staring at me with a wide eyed awe expression on his face.

"What?" i asked. He probably thought i was horrible at singing. I probably could have broken the windows if i tried.

"That was amazing. I have goosebumps on my arms... Look" he said shoving his arm in my face so i could see.

"Dude seriously no need to stick your arm in my face i can see from here" i told him and he smiled at me.

"Bring the guitar with you back to our room" he told me and took off back toward our room. I got up and reluctantly followed him with the guitar in my hand. By the time i got to the room Damon had used his vampire speed to undressand get into bed. He patted the spot beside him so iput the guitar on the bed andwent into the closet to change into a baggy t shirt and shorts and put my clothes in the hamper. I made my way bag and got into bed next to him guitar on my lap.

"Will you sing me another song?" he asked me in a soft small voice. I looked at him for a few seconds.

"I will" i said. "But it will have to wait till tomorrow. Im far too tired and it really is tiring to put so much emotion into a song when your singing it" i told him. He nodded okay to me and he snuggled down under the covers.

He held up an arm for me to snuggle up against him, so i did, and i moulded my body perfectly around him, my head on his chest and an arm over his stomach while he had his arms wrapped around my waist. I feel asleep to the steady rythm of his chest gently moving up and down but hearing no heart beat.


Hey guys click the link to see how Kat sang the song kay?